Career Planning Guidance

The crucial question to ask yourself while seeking employment is how you can live a full professional life, developing your work into a career.

  1. Fulfilling professional life (economic independence)
  2. Contribution to society
  3. Self-realization

To realize all of these, it is necessary to achieve emotional stability and improve yourself in such fundamental areas for character formation as native language, mathematical reasoning, problem identification and solving, thinking and judging, and self-expression. Our Student Career Support Principles is more than just analyzing yourself and getting a 'yes' from a target employer.

  1. Thinking about career within the framework of life-long planning (deepening self-knowledge)
  2. Knowing new professions, workplaces and ways of working in the 21st century and finding your place (understanding work)
  3. Choosing a workplace (designing future orientation) and making a decision

First Career Planning Guidance

The overall job search process is explained, and students' awareness is raised. Information is also provided on how to make use of the Career Counseling Center and on the annual schedule for job search.

  1. Overall job search process
  2. How to make use of the Career Counseling Center
  3. Present job market situation
  4. Job search-related activities to begin now

Second Career Planning Guidance

Instruction is given in CV and self-introduction statement preparation. A CV is an effective means of advertising yourself; concrete pointers are offered for preparing a CV that fully communicates your positive attributes.

  1. What are CV and self-introduction statement?
  2. Effective expression
  3. How to prepare CV and self-introduction statement
  4. How to fill out an entry sheet

Third Career Planning Guidance

Concrete information is provided on how to submit your entry to a target company. This process is the beginning of your job search. Selection of the company to which you submit your entry determines the course of your job search. Prepare yourself well to be on time.

  1. How to submit your entry to a company
  2. How to make use of job market information-related Web sites
  3. How to make use of your target company's Web site
  4. How to make use of e-mail and postcards

Fourth Career Planning Guidance

Senior students who have succeeded in Our Student Career Support Principles this year are invited to talk about their experience. Their personal episodes will be useful in forming a more realistic image of the job market and finding pointers for your own job search next year.

  1. Personal experiences of students who have obtained an informal employment contract
  2. This year's job market situation and next year's prospects
  3. How to read employment offers

Fifth Career Planning Guidance

A job interview is the occasion for advertising yourself. No company hires new employees without an interview. In an interview, you will be examined and evaluated from all aspects. Pointers for successful interviews are offered.

  1. Interview form and attitude
  2. Interview process
  3. Good manners for a successful interview
  4. Checklist for a successful interview

Sixth Career Planning Guidance

The target company's information meeting for prospective employees is the big moment. You are finally meeting the company's human resources personnel and introducing yourself as an adult. You want to get off on the right foot. This Guidance explains the process leading up to the information meeting. It is time to start thinking of yourself less as a student and more as an adult seeking employment.

  1. What is the company's information meeting for prospective employees really like?
  2. Points to note for company visits
  3. Visiting OGU alumni
  4. How to make appointments
  5. Common sense and good manners as adults
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