TRIZ Textbooks:  CID Course for Children, 1-1G4
Topic 4.  How to find out? 
     (Organs of Perception)
Fairy Tales School:
Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID), 1st Grade, 1st Semester, Methodical Guide-Book
Natalia V. Rubina, 1999 [published in Russian]
English translation by Irina Dolina, May 23, 2000
Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 28, 2001
Posted in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in English on Feb. 28, 2001 under the permission of the Author.
(C) N.V. Rubina, I. Dolina, and T. Nakagawa 2001

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Topic 4.  How to find out ? 
     (Organs of Perception)

Lesson 1.

1.  Warming up    (Card-index for the first grade)

2.  Homework check-up

3.  Introduction in the lesson

     Emil and Losharic went on a trip.  The day was sunny and quiet.  The friends walked cheerfully along the path in the forest.
-  Let's play 'Hide and seek',- suggested Losharic,- I'll hide!
-  Don't run away far and don't climb the trees!
     The game was very funny, because the forest is a good place for hiding.  No wonder that the friends didn't notice how the time passed.  It was time to go home.  But the problem is that neither Emil nor Losharic can remember where to go.  The forest around them was deep, unfamiliar.  They lost their way.
     How to help the friends?

4.  Main topic

     Solve the riddle and you will find out who can help to solve this problem.

Olya is looking at the cat. 
At the pictures of the tale. 
And for that Olya needs  .... 
There is a pasty before Olya.
It has a fried side.
Take a bite at a pasty... 
tasty? - will say...
Olya is listening in the forest 
how  the cuckoos  cries.
And for that Olya needs ... 
Mother  in the kitchen
is preparing a tray.
What is on the tray will tell us...
Olya touches the snow - 
It is cold to touch.
And for that Olya needs.......
[Translation Note (Feb. 28, 2001):   This riddle is based on guessing the proper human organs of perception.  The children are expected to find an organ of perception that is rhymed to a key word.  E.g. 'skaski' - 'glaski' (tales - eyes), 'bochok' - 'yazychok' (side-tongue), 'kukushki' - 'ushki'  (cockoos - ears), 'podnos' - 'nos' (tray - nose).  As you can see, those words  are not rhymes in  English.]

     -  Thus, here they are our assistants: eyes to see; ears to hear; a tongue to taste; a nose to smell; hands to touch.  Eye sight, hearing, taste, sense of touch help a human being to learn everything about the world around.

    The peculiarities of your kids perception will prompt how to organize further work.  In the Card Index for the First Grade there are detailed information about all the organs of the human senses.  If the kids perceive such information with interest, you can, using illustrative stuff,  introduce the kids to the construction of  an eye.  They know a person hears, what is the sense of smell, sense of touch, how the taste forms.  But if the kids have difficulties in listening for a long time, you may make a game out of a study.  In the Card Index for the First Grade  you will find games that will widen your idea of human organs of senses .
5.  Psychotechnical and developing games   (Card Index for the First Grade)

7.  Summing up

     Draw the kids' attention to the amazing resources of a human, human being.  Comparing the organs of senses of a person and of  the animals, one can draw a conclusion that a person lost many of animal resources he had before becoming more independent of Nature (e.g., animal night eye sight, hearing of many  predators, a sense of smell and other peculiarities of perception).  However, the human intellect let him widen his resources beyond limits.
[Translation Note:  Lesson 2 of this Topic is missing in the text.  The Author's response to the Editor: Topics 4 to 6  are given in a little abbreviated variant. They are complemented by plays and problems in exhibit. I can send this exhibit on E-mail if it is necessary. (Feb. 28, 2001)]

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Last updated on Feb. 28, 2001.     Access point:  Editor: