TRIZ Textbooks:  CID Course for Children, 3-1W3
Topic 3.  Scheme of Solving Problems
Planet of Unsolved Misteries:
Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID), 3rd Grade, 1st Semester, Children Workbook
Natalia V. Rubina, 1998 [published in Russian]
English translation by Irina Dolina, June 3, 2001
Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa, December 15, 2001
Published in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in English on Dec. 17, 2001 under the permission of the Author. 
(C) N.V.Rubina, I. Dolina, T. Nakagawa, 2001

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Topic 3.  Scheme of Solving Problems

Lesson 1


 Problem 6.

  1. Author:   Rubin, M. S.
  2. Topic:      Scheme of solving problems.
  3. Content of the problem:  In the ancient times the major advantage of the Scythian tribes in a fight were the horses.  However, using them in a bow attack turned to be very difficult.  The Scythians approached the enemy, raised their bows and arrows and, naturally, let the reins free.  At this moment the horses rushed back.  The horsemen didn’t have time to shoot and, moreover, their backs were turned to the enemies.   What should the Scythians do?
  4. Solution:   - ?
  5. Source of information:  An article “By Myself, By Herself, By Itself.”

     Scheme of Solving Problems:

If                ________________________________________________
Then   (+) ________________________________________________
But  ()     ________________________________________________

Find the opposite properties:
     _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                           and should be ____________, in order to __________.

Articulate the ideal solution:
Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

 [Translation Note (Nakagawa, Dec. 15, 2001):  The following differences are consistently noticed:
In Guide Book (1999):  Articulate the ideal solution, and then find the opposite properties.
In Workbook (1998):  Find the opposite properties, and then articulate the ideal solution.]

Problem 7.

  1. Author:       Altshuller, G. S.
  2. Topic:           Scheme of solving problems.
  3. Content of the problem.     Imagine that you have to squeeze a spiral spring of 10 cm in length and 2 cm in diameter.  Put it flat between the pages of a book and close it in such a way that the spring remained squeezed.  You can squeeze the spring with two fingers.  But then you will have to unclasp your fingers, otherwise you won’t close the book.  The spring will be released…   This situation occurred when the engineers were making some device.  They had to squeeze a spring, put it inside and close the lid.  How to do it without releasing the string?
  4. Solution:    ?
  5. Source of information:  “And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared.
    If                 ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)   ________________________________________________
    But  (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

Problem 8.

  1. Author:     Altshuller, G. S.
  2. Topic:        Scheme of solving problems.
  3. Content of the problem:   A ship was being loaded in the port.  A huge crane was putting saucers with sacks into the open space of the ship.  It was raining heavily, and the water was getting inside the hold.  “It can’t be helped", the stevedores sighed, "we can neither close the hold during loading, nor put up a roof”.   And at this point the inventor appeared.  “A special roof is needed here”, hw said, "to protect from the rain and to let the cargo come easily…”  What kind of roof did the inventor offered?
  4. Solution:   ?
  5. Source of information:   “And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared.
    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

    If                ________________________________________________
    Then  (+)  ________________________________________________
    But (–)      ________________________________________________

    Find the opposite properties:
         _______________should be ____________, in order to __________
                               and should be ____________, in order to __________.

    Articulate the ideal solution:
    Which resources are there for the solution of this problem?

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