TRIZ Paper

Scheme of 'New Product and Service' System Creation Using TRIZ
-- Search for a Creating Method of "New Product and Service" System by Analyzing "Hot Sellers and Services" Using TRIZ --

(Business and Management TRIZ Research Subcommittee, Japan TRIZ Society)
Ikuo Yoshizawa (SANNO Institute of Management), Hisataka Izawa (Sony Corp.), Fumiko Kikuchi (Pioneer Corp.), Yasuo Moriya (Fujitsu Advanced Technologies Ltd.), Osamu Ikeda (Nikon Imaging System Inc.)
(English translation by the Japan TRIZ Society)

Presented at 9th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held on Sept. 5-6, 2013
at Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Tachikawa, Tokyo
[Posted: Dec. 23, 2013]

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 23, 2013)

This paper was presented last September at the TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2013 (See Nakagawa's Personal Report ).   It is a report of the work conducted by a subcommittee of Japan TRIZ Society for these 4 years.  It is one of excellent papers presented at the Symposium this year, in my evaluation.  The work is posted in the JTS Web site not publicly but in the 'Members Only' pages, as one of many contributed presentations.  In this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", I am posting the presentation publicly under the author's desire and permission and the JTS's permission.  The slides were translated into English by Japan TRIZ Society.  I am grateful to the authors and JTS for their permissions of posting here and sharing the nice work. 

In the field of business and management application of TRIZ, the authors have chosen the success of Yamato Transport Co.'s "TA-Q-BIN" (Door to Door parcel Delivery Service) business as the model of their case study.  The authors studied to identifiy contradictions in the historical situations around the business; they also evaluated the present stage of evolution in several aspects of the business and estimated the next future stage of evolution.  This is a valuable case study of applying TRIZ to business problems; the case is of special interest as a unique service business developed for these 40 years in Japan.  For more detail, please refer to the Abstract written by the authors.

The presentation has 50 slides with rich contents.  Six of the slides are shown here in the HTML page for illustrating the work. Please read the PDF file for the full presentation.  (The PDF file was provided by JTS; you can download and print it but can not copy ior modifiy it.) 


Top of the page Abstract Abstract PDF Slides Slides PDF Japan TRIZ Symp. Report (Nakagawa) JTS site Japanese page

  Abstract   (Submitted on May 15, 2013)              PDF (in Japanese)


Scheme of 'New Product and Service' System Creation Using TRIZ
-- Search for a Creating Method of "New Product and Service" System
by Analyzing "Hot Sellers and Services" Using TRIZ --

(Business and Management TRIZ Research Subcommittee, Japan TRIZ Society)
Ikuo Yoshizawa (SANNO Institute of Management), Hisataka Izawa (Sony Corp.),
Fumiko Kikuchi (Pioneer Corp.), Yasuo Moriya (Fujitsu Advanced Technologies Ltd.),
Osamu Ikeda (Nikon Imaging System Inc.)
(English translation by the Japan TRIZ Society)

9th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, held on Sept. 5-6, 2013 in Tokyo


Most of reported TRIZ applications are for solving technological problems. One of the challenges for TRIZ to be deployed in much wider scale is to prove its capability to help solve business and management problems.

We plan to study methods how to apply TRIZ to tackle business and management problems through analysis of real cases. We intend to make up the guidance for TRIZ application for this purpose. The present report is about our effort and some of its results up to the present time.

As the second round, we applied TRIZ thought and technique to analyze "hot sellers and services" and tried to investigate the creation method of a new product and service. We aimed at the following phases for the examination this time:

1. Identify a business that continues to grow by providing hot sellers and services.
2. Analyze the characteristics of hot sellers and services.
3. Based on the analysis result, examine whether the application of contradiction solution and evolution trend is effective for the creation of "New Product and Service" system.
4. If it is effective, devise a creation process for "New Product and Service" through application of contradiction solution and evolution trend.

Study phases 1 - 3 were presented in fiscal year 2012. This time, the study results of phase 1 – 4 will be reported with the study phase 4 as the core.


Presentation Slides:    Slides in PDF    (50 slides, 2.3 MB)

                                     Slides in Japanese in PDF   (50 slides, 2.3 MB)


Six slides selected by Nakagawa are shown below:



Top of the page Abstract Abstract PDF Slides Slides PDF Japan TRIZ Symp. Report (Nakagawa) JTS site Japanese page



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Last updated on Dec. 23, 2013.     Access point:  Editor: