TRIZ Books: 
Darrell Mann's "Hands-On Systematic Innovation"
-- Pulbication Announcement of the Japanese Edition and Q&A Documents for the English Edition
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
  Jun. 30, 2004

  [Posted here on Jun. 30, 2004]   Feb. 16, 2014
For going back to Japanese  pages, press  buttons.

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 16, 2014):

The books in the SKI's "TRIZ Practices and Benefits"series are going to be re-published by CrePS Institute (Director: Toru Nakagawa) with some revisions in the renewed series "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" in the style of digital downloading.

This book (Vol. 1), Japanese edition of Mann's HOSI has been revised and published as (Vol. 1A) Japanese revised edition of Mann's "HOSI with Matrix 2010" on Feb. 16, 2014 in the style of digital downloading from the DLmarket site.

On the former SKI editions, please refer to the detailed information shown in this page or in the pages linked from this page. On the new CrePS Institute editions, you may refer at the pages opened on Feb. 16, 2014.


Eidtor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 30, 2004)

We have just published the following TRIZ textbook in Japanese translation:

Original book:  "Hands-On Systematic Innovation"
                            by Darrell Mann, CREAX Press, 2002

Title (translated back from Japanese):   "TRIZ  Practices and Benefits. 
                           Vol. 1. Systematic Technological Innovation",

Publisher:         Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI), Tokyo,
Supervising Translator:  Toru Nakagawa,
Translators:           Knowledge Creation Study Group  (16 members)

In this page, I would like to introduce you the Japanese Edition and how the original Mann's textbook is evaluated in Japan and has been improved during the translation work.  Following documents are shown here in English for the readers of the original English Edition.

Brief Introduction to the Japanese Edition  (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 30, 2004)

Author's Preface to the Japanese Edition    (Darrell Mann, Jan. 200)
Supervising Translator's Preface               (Toru Nakagawa, May 2004)

Q&A Document  (Part 1)    Errata and Q&A (Chater 1-11) [PDF 116 KB]   (T. Nakagawa, Aug.  2003 + D. Mann Nov. 2003)
          (Part 2)  Errata and Q&A (Chapter 12-22) [PDF 159 KB]
  (T. Nakagawa, Oct. 2003 + D. Mann Nov. 2003)
          (Part 3)  Hierarchical structuring of section headers/ Table of Contents [PDF 101 KB]
  (T. Nakagawa, Jan. 2004)
          (Part 4)  Translation Notes  [PDF 61 KB]
  (T. Nakagawa, Jun. 2004)

Table of Contents  [PDF 45 KB]
  (Constructed in detail with some new section headers)
Index        (Constructed in detail in Japanese.   To  be posted later in English. 
                  Meantime please see the Japanese page.  [PDF 462 KB]  )

         Book Series "TRIZ   Practices and Benefits"  (Publication in Japanese)  

Brief Introduction to the Japanese Edition:

This Darrell Mann's TRIZ Textbook is excellent, being practical and contains a lot of new and deep insights.
This book explains the whole aspects of TRIZ in full detail and yet in a way very easy to understand, and describes systematically about ways of creative thinking beyond TRIZ.  The Author explains various methods with concrete case studies.  He has named the whole body of the methods as 'Systematic creativity', and is illustrating that  technological innovations can be achieved systematically by the application of it. 

So far textbooks in TRIZ have been making efforts mostly for explaining the classical TRIZ established by the Founder, Genrich S. Altshuller.  The textbook by Yuri Salamatov ("TRIZ: The Right Solution at the Right Time") is one of such 'standards', and we published its Japanese Edition in 2000.  On the other hand, the present Author, after understanding TRIZ deeply, tried to integrate it with creative thinking methods in the West, to analyze up-to-date patents intensively for constructing new knowledgebases, to adapt TRIZ so as to fit with technology development in industrial situations.  In this manner, Darrell Mann presents TRIZ here as he understands it.  Here is a profile of the 'new-generation of TRIZ', which will be further developing in the world in the future.      

A wide range of techniques/tools of traditional and new-generation TRIZ are explained in this textbook in detail by use of many practical case studies.  It is remarkable that such explanations represents his deep insights vased on his experiences.  The author carefully arranged the course materials in a way that users can apply some appropriate tools of TRIZ without reading the whole book.  You should read several chapters in the beginning, apply what you learned to your own problem to define and analyze it, follow the direction in the chapter of tool selection, and then study the solution tool and apply it to your problem.  In this manner, you may be able to learn and master TRIZ tools one by one as you find them necessary.  This is the way the Author recommends you to study, if you do not chose to read the book all through.

On reading this textbook in July 2002, I was so impressed with its excellency that I immediately asked the Author for the permission of Japanese translation.  Getting the cooperation of nearly 20 volunteers of TRIZ pioneers in Knowledge Creation Study Meeting (organized by MRI), we have just published the Japanese Edition from Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI).  We have translated the text into Japanese with much care, and
further tried to improve it through the Q&A with the author, the introduction of hierarchical numbering in the section headers, construction of detailed Table of Contents, and construction of a detailed Index. 

To people who want to learn methods of innovation, creative way of thinking in technology fields, and TRIZ, we heartily recommend this book. 

Beside this book, the Author, Darrell Mann, and CREAX published "Matrix 2003" and software tool "CREAX Innovation Suites" and are going to publish further TRIZ textbooks in the fields of business & management, software development, and biology-based technology, etc.  Nakagawa and SKI are planning to publish most of them in Japanese Editions in the series of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits".


"TRIZ  Practices and Benefits.  Vol. 1. Systematic Technological Innovation" 
      (In Japanese)  (Published on June 30, 2004)

Original Edition: "Hands-On Systematic Innovation"
                            by Darrell Mann, CREAX Press, Belgium, May, 2002.
Supervising Tanslator:  Toru Nakagawa  (Osaka Gakuin University)
Translators:   Knowledge Creation Study Group
Publisher:      Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative, Ltd. (SKI)                      
                      2-1-3 Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0013, Japan
ISBN:    4-902716-00-3,  Soft cover, B5 size, 464 + xiv pages  +  1 sheet,
Price:     9,000 yen + tax 450 yen = total 9,450 yen.  (+ shipping)

List of Translators (Titles omitted, no definite order):
    Masatoshi Hotta, Mikio Fukumura, Hiroshi Ueda, Mitsuo Morihisa, Hiroaki Kawashima, and Nobuyuki Togashi (SKI),
    Yuji Mihara and Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Photo Film Co.),
    Shigeru Kasuya, Yoshiya Imoto, Katsumi Sakamaki, and Akihiko Noda (Fuji Xerox Co.) and
    Hisao Yasuda, Toshio Kawakubo, Kunitoshi Sugiyama, and Kazuo Gotoh (Ricoh Co.)

Preface To the Japanese Edition     (Darrell Mann, Jan. 2004)
I feel very humble about the success of the Hands-On Systematic Innovation book. The fact that the English language is now in its third printing in just over a year has been a source of considerable surprise. Even more surprising to me has been the desire to translate the book into other languages that has come from numerous parts of the world. I say surprising because the book is essentially about an inventive problem solving methodology conceived in a language that I don’t speak, a cultural environment that I feel sure I will never understand, and a time when I wasn’t even born. I can only guess that it is my position as an outsider that has had something to do with the success of the end product. It is often said that the most useful travel books are the ones written not by natives, but by the visitor with the luck and good fortune to be able to spend long enough in a place to piece together all the things that other visitors will need to know. This is how I feel about the Soviet-originated Inventive Problem Solving theory, TRIZ, the method on which this book is mainly based. My visit to TRIZ has lasted for over twelve years now. It has happened in parallel with visits to many other creativity and innovation tools and techniques. This wide-ranging perspective plus my desire to create a book that delivered ‘tangible benefit’ has played – for me at least – the biggest role in structuring the text you now hold in your hand.
I also feel very honoured when I think that the first group of people who approached me requesting permission to translate the book were Professor Toru Nakagawa and the members of the SKI organisation in Japan. My engineering career evolved in a period when Japanese industry was setting a standard that the rest of the world could usually only stare at in awe and wonderment. Consequently, Japan has had a very big influence on the things that I do and the way that I do them. And, I would like to think, on a significant part of the form and content of the book.
I sincerely thank Professor Nakagawa and the whole team for their efforts not just in translating the book, but for a level of diligence and attention to detail that has also now helped to make the English version considerably better than it would otherwise have been.
Last but not least I thank you the reader for picking the book up. The presence of over 150,000 words can be off-putting to many people. I imagine in a culture that places great value on conciseness and distillation of things to their core essence that such a long book might appear to possess neither attribute. I hope that your experience in using the book will be that there is no more and no less than is absolutely needed to enable you to achieve your own tangible benefits.
                                                                                Darrell Mann
                                                                                Clevedon, UK
                                                                                 January 2004.

Preface to the Japanese Edition  (Toru Nakagawa, May 2004)

This is an excellent textbook for learning practices of and new insights into TRIZ.  It describes the whole aspects of TRIZ in detail and yet in a way easy to understand; and further beyond the scope of TRIZ it explains creative ways of thinking in a systematic manner.  Various ways of thinking are shown with a number of concrete case studies.  The whole body of such methods of thinking is here called "Systematic Innovation".
The original English edition was published in May 2002.  Ordering it via Internet, I got the book at hand on July 26, just at the beginning of my university's summer vacation.  Starting on the day, I finished reading it in ten days.  On August 1st, being at the half way of the text, I made up my mind to translate this book into Japanese, and wrote an email to the Author and CREAX for asking a permission.  Author and the publisher gave it immediately.  Then I talked with pioneering TRIZ engineers at the Study Group of Users of Mitsubishi Research Institute and called for volunteers for the translation work.  Members of SKI (Inventive Technique Initiative) and people from Fuji Photo Film, Fuji Xerox, and Ricoh companies joined us to form a team of nearly 20 members.  Setting the goal one-year ahead, the Translation Project officially started on October 7, 2002.    
Our initial plan was to make the first Japanese draft with chapter by chapter assignment to the members, then to revise it into the second draft by peer reviewing, and to further brush it up into 3rd and 4th manuscripts by a couple of members including myself.  At the start, several pages of trial draft of each chapter were prepared by the assignees and were revised by Nakagawa so as to set some standards.  The assigned members prepared the first drafts (with mutual reviews inside each company); the whole volume was ready in its first draft by the end of March 2003.  We met difficulty at the next stage of peer revision.  It is of course a hard work to understand the original English text exactly and to express it in proper Japanese.  And to correct and revise the draft written by some other member, sometimes a senior member belonging to other company, is a delicate and hard work needing time even longer than writing the first draft.  In such a situation I started the work of revising the drafts in April and finished it in full detail by the end of September, resulting the '2.6-th drafts'.  Up to this point, the Japanese texts were written just after the English texts paragraph by paragraph so as to be easy to compare with and to make the translation as correct/exact as possible.  Then the Japanese texts were extracted to form the 3rd drafts.  The whole texts were further revised into the 3.5-th manuscripts with special attention to clarifying the hierarchical subsection structures in the original texts; it was finished in January 2004.  Then they were brushed up further into 4th version to improve the readability of the Japanese texts.  They are currently under another reviewing process for preparing the final PDF version and for extracting the keywords for an Index.  We are going to build the Index and to convert the final Word files into PDF for sending to the printer. 
This project took the style of desk-top publishing by users, as a matter of fact.  We prepared the figures (i.e. translating the texts in the textboxes) and formats for ourselves.  This became possible by use of better environments for document processing (with MS Word) and for information sharing (with Cybose (developed in Japan)).  During the project we made contact with several publishers asking for their professional help in editing, but had to withdraw the idea because the publishers saw risks in the sales and wanted to set the book price at a very high level for which ordinary engineers would not like to buy from his/her pockets.  Now SKI is going to take the risk in the business and to provide this textbook to the readers at a minimum price.
The English texts are written clearly, but the translation into Japanese was not easy.  Not to say really colloquial, the texts are written in a flexible and fluent style, with rather long sentences, and having complex structures of clauses and modifiers.  Due to the basic differences in the grammatical structures between English and Japanese languages, it is not easy to express the sentences in Japanese correctly and at the same time in a manner easy to read. 
This Japanese Edition is intended to be an exact translation of the original texts, but has some insertions, corrections, and improvements in the following points:

For making these insertions, corrections, and improvements, we obtained general understanding by the Author, and made detailed Q&A correspondences with the Author at the initial stage.  Since February this year, however, both the Author and the translation team have been too busy to do Q&A, thus the final decisions on the Japanese Edition is left to be made by the Supervising Translator.  We are grateful to the Author for his allowing us to make such revisions at a rather intensive level.  

Before reading this book, we would like you to understand the following points as the background:
(1)  This textbook basically explains the whole body of TRIZ, in a new way without being constraint with the traditional TRIZ established in Russia.  It also contains a wide range of relevant materials outside the classical TRIZ and describes them in integrated and advanced ways.  This is the biggest point of attraction of this book.
(2)  This textbook is partly based on the results of an extensive research recently carried out by CREAX since 2000.  The research project was reported first at TRIZCON2003 in March 2003 (see also Section 10.2.3 of this book).  The project has been analyzing all the patents in US Patent Database for the years from 1985 to the present, in a way originally done by Altshuller, the Founder of TRIZ, and newly modernized with the PC environment.  About 10 percent of higher level patents are first selected with a quick review, and then are reviewed closely to extract the cases of applications of Technical Contradictions, Inventive Principles, Inventive Standards, Trends of Evolution, etc.  The accumulation of this kind of knowledge bases forms the basis of the descriptions in this textbook especially in Chapters 10 through 15, without depending on traditional Russian texts.   
(3)  CREAX has developed a commercial software tool named 'Innovation Suite'.  Most parts of the present textbook are implemented in the tool as the description of the methods.  Japanese edition of the software tool is also planned to make. 
(4)  As the results of research mentioned in (2), the Contradiction Matrix has been revised, and published as a book "Matrix 2003" and implemented in the software tool.  Description in this book, however, is based on the classical version of Contradiction Matrix. 
(5)  The Author of this book is also planning to publish a series of textbooks on 'Systematic Innovation' in the fields of business and management, software development, and technological functions developed by nature.  Texts on case studies in such fields are also planned.  They will be published one after another in the near future. 
As being said, this is an excellent textbook on the methodologies of creative problem solving, covering a very wide range of aspects, describing in a systematic way, with plain words conveying very deep insights.  The overall process of problem solving can be seen in Chapter 2 (Process Overview) and in Chapter 9 (Selection of Tools).  The standpoints of the Author are to leave the final selection of the methods to the individuals, who each has different background, different levels of understanding, and different interests.  How to select various methods in different situations is described in detail in this book. 
However, when the readers want to obtain the benefits as effectively as possible, i.e. to solve their own specific problems, they have to read and learn a lot of materials in this book to find 'what should we learn?' and 'what process should we apply?'  The process described in this textbook is 'not simple enough' as it should be, I suppose.  Please read the Author's texts in Section 13.2.3 in this book.  It is much worthy of learning and applying some simpler yet effective process of problem solving based on TRIZ, e.g. USIT.  You can study such a simpler process either before or after studying this textbook.  If you have learned such a simplified version of TRIZ already, you will be able to understand much depth of TRIZ in this textbook.  If you study simplified TRIZ processes afterwards, on the other hand, you will be able to build up your own way of practice in creative problem solving.  (I have been advocating USIT as a simpler and yet effective process in TRIZ; nevertheless, as the results of this translation work, I may be the reader of this textbook who have learned the most of it.)
Since TRIZ has been introduced into Japan for these seven or eight years, the TRIZ practices in industries and in academia are gradually shifting from its early grass-root activity stage towards a stage of steady introduction and application.  This textbook provides an important basis of understanding TRIZ, we believe.  On the sound basis of deep understanding of TRIZ, you will be able to apply the method in practice and to produce concrete results step by step.  Here we have a long-waited textbook on Systematic Innovation in Japanese.  We thank the Author, Darrell Mann, for his elaborate and excellent work.  We eagerly hope that this textbook becomes a part of your own culture and helps you solve your own problems. 

This book will be on sale directly from SKI, and also via Internet.  Due to the cost problem, the book will not be sold through bookstores.
Announcement of this book series and corrections of the texts will be shown in the following WWW sites:
Before concluding this preface, I wish to thank all the members of the Team for their voluntary collaborative work, especially to Mr. Mitsuo Morihisa for his team arrangement, to Mr. Kazuo Gotoh for his preparing figures and the cover design, to Mr. Shigeru Kasuya for his work in editing, and to Mr. Masatoshi Hotta for his responsibility in business.  "Gokurou-sama" (thanks a lot), the book will be coming out soon in print.
                                                    May 16, 2004
                                                    Representing the Translation Project Team,
                                                                         Toru Nakagawa
                                                                                     at Kashiwa, Chiba.

Extended Table of Contents (in English)      Click here  [PDF 45KB] 

     Hierarchically numbered. 
     Section/subsection headers are complemented wherever found necessary/appropriate.
     No change in the text at all.   Pages refer to the English Edition, first print.

Extended Index     

    (To be posted later in English (re-translation))
    (Take a look at the Japanese version in 10 printed pages.  [PDF 462 KB])

Top of this page
Mann's Preface to Japanese Edition
Nakagawa's Preface
Extended Table of Contents
Extended Index
Q&A (Part 1)
Q&A (Part 2) Q&A (Part 3) Q&A (Part 4) "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" Book Series Japanese page

General index New Information Introduction to TRIZ TRIZ References TRIZ Links TRIZ News & Activities TRIZ Software Tools TRIZ Papers and Tech Reports TRIZ Forum General index
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Last updated on Jun. 30, 2004.  Updated: Feb. 16, 2014    Access point:  Editor: