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"Spectrum Resource Utilization in the IT Innovation Era," Paper presented at ISSSE'01 : 2001 URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, Tokyo, Japan, July 20, 2001, 4pp.


Spectrum resource utilization is one of the most important key factor to the next IT innovations, and the existing spectrum resource management concept is old now and has many problems. This paper proposes the necessity of spectrum resource auction and the disclosure of the spectrum management.
Last December, the Japanese government's IT Strategy Council announced its IT initiatives for the promotion and the adoption of information technology (IT) and discussed the issue of wireless broadband access to the internet. The administration of radio wave resources, however, has become obsolete. The demand for radio wave resources will continue to increase as new technologies using radio waves develop. Radical improvement of radio wave administration is urgently needed. Thus, we propose: 1. Introduce competition into the allocation of radio wave resources through auctions. 2. Promote the reallocation of radio wave resources. 3. Disclose all information on the use of spectrum


spectrum, frequencies, regulation, Japan, competition, auction, spectrum trade, new entry

[Presentation Outline]

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Hajime Oniki
09/02/2006 (hd rev'd 10/12/2002)