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「『通信・放送インフラ』供給における独占と公平・公正競争」(論文)、『大阪学院大学経済論集』 19巻1号、2005年6月、pp.1-42。






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Outline :

Telecommunications and broadcasting in Japan during the prewar period were run, in effect, by the government. After the war, NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telecommunications) public Corporation and NHK (Japanese Broadcasting Society) were created for telecommunications and broadcasting, respectively, as public entities to be operated independently of the government. In reality, however, both NTT and NHK were strongly regulated (and also protected) by the government. In the 1950’s, commercial broadcasting was introduced in Japan; in the 1980’s, new common carriers (NCC’s) were allowed to enter into the telecommunications market of Japan to end the monopoly by NTT. Further in the 1990’s, rapid growth of the Internet initiated the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in Japan.

In 2005, however, we still have monopolies with some activities in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors; monopoly in the supply of infrastructure services is one of the most important. Because of this, new entries are often blocked, and fair competition between incumbents and newcomers is not always realized; the growth of these sectors has been slowed down consequently. In other words, there still exist serious impediments to the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting; public policies for promoting competition in telecommunications and broadcasting for the benefit of consumers is called for. In particular, it is desirable first to separate, structurally or in accounting, the supply of monopolistic infrastructure services from the supply of other competitive services, and then to arrange an environment to each of them fitting to its characteristics. In short, we need to bring in “vertical separation” of each of telecommunications and broadcasting sectors into monopolistic and competitive entities; fair competition in level-playing field may then be realized in each of the vertically separated activities.
The objective of this paper is to clarify what is stated above in more detail.


Convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting, Infrastructure in telecommunications and broadcasting, Monopoly, Fair competition, Competition in level-praying field, Layers structure, Upper-layer services, Vertical integration, Vertical separation, Internal cross subsidization, Equilibrium price, Monopoly front, Public corporation for infrastructure supply.



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Hajime Oniki