TRIZ/USIT Presentation (Poster Slides):

"TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students": Understanding TRIZ/USIT by Solving Everyday-Life Problems
Masayuki Hida *, Tsubasa Shimoda, Naoya Hayashi, Mizuo Omori, and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan
August 31 - September 2, 2006
[Posted on Jan. 7, 2007] 

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 3, 2007)

The paper posted here were originally given as a Poster presentation at the Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan held by the Japan TRIZ CB.  Please refer to the official documents and reports of the Symposium posted in the official page of the Japan TRIZ CB.  Nakagawa has also posted his 'Personal Report' of the Symposium for the purpose of introducing the Symposium by reviewing all its presentations. 

The four students of Nakagawa's Seminar Class who graduated March, 2006 gave this presentation with the assistance of myself as a coauthor. In the Symposium, the slides of the whole Poster presentation were shown both in Japanese and in English.  In this English page, a part of my 'Personal Report' is cited below for the purpose of introduction.  The English slides are posted here in the PDF format, and the Japanese slides in the Japanese page .   

The Web site "TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students" (in Japanese) have been established since March 18, 2006.  It is located under my Web site for the reasons of management but is built and edited by the students alone.

We, the four (former) students and myself, are happy to have a chance of posting the presentation here in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" and to have any comments and sugestions from the readers. 

Introduction & Review of this Presentation (Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Nov. 4, 2006)

Excerpt from Nakagawa's 'Personal Report of The Second TRIZ Symosium in Japan' (posted on Nov. 8, 2006)

Masayuki Hida et al. (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) [31] gave a poster presentation with the title of " 'TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students'-Understanding TRIZ/USIT by Solving Everyday-Life Problems-".  The four students of Nakagawa's Seminar Class who graduated last March gave this presentation with the assistance of myself as a coauthor.  They studied in my lecture class of 'Scientific Information Methodologies' (1.5 hrs × 13), and in my seminar class of 'Creative Problem Solving Methodologies' (1.5 hrs × 13 × 4).  As their thesis works I requested them to find and solve an everyday-life problem individually and also to jointly build a public home page on TRIZ addressed to students. 

They built "TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students" (in Japanese, of course) and publicized it last March as an independent site located under my "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  The following slide shows the needs for such a home page for students: 

The students' home page demonstrated three case studies in detail.  They are: How to fix a string shorter than the needle; How to prevent from shoplifting at a bookstore; and Trains for getting on/off smoothly. 

The most interesting feature in the site (for me and for you, I suppose) is a record of students' discussions on 'What we think we obtained by studying TRIZ/USIT'.  This discussion was actually done on Feb. 1, 2006, i.e., two months before their graduation.  Masayuki Hida had not yet found a proper style/way of introducing TRIZ to students and was just posing a question to the members, when I happened to enter the seminar room. So the four students discussed, and I encouraged their discussion and recorded their talks on the white board in a mind-mapping style, as we often do in my seminar classes.  The discussion lasted for only 30-40 minutes.  Then Masayuki Hida realized that they should frankly write their thoughts which they just talked, and he made the discussion record in a readable form.  Their main message is: 'By solving everyday-life problems with TRIZ/USIT, we became familiar with TRIZ and received the influence of TRIZ on our own life style, feeling it pleasant and interesting.'  On the other hand, they realize their limitations: 'Even though possible to challenge a number of problems, it is often impossible to really make prototypes and examine the solutions due to lack of technologies and practical environment.  (Especially in Faculty of Informatics we do not have a machineshop.)'  For more detail, please read the Student's home page (in Japanese) and the presentation slides (both in Japanese and in English) to be posted here shortly. 

-- This was the first case where (former) students at the undergraduate level presented their experiences and findings in the TRIZ community in Japan.  Masayui Hida talked passionately and attracted eager industry people who are trying to penetrate TRIZ in their companies.  The education style in this presentation (i.e., at Osaka Gakuin Univ. by Nakagawa) is in a good contrast to the one in Kanagawa Inst. Tech. (by Masao Ishihama [6]) reflecting the different background situations of the departments.  It is of course desirable to combine these two in future, somewhere, and by somebody. 

Paper and Slides in PDF

Slides (in English)   (PDF, 18 slides, 4 slides/page, 198 KB)  Click Here. 

Slides (in Japanese)   (PDF, 18 slides, 4 slides/page, 246 KB)  Click Here


Top of this page Nakagawa's introduction Slides PDF English (198 KB) Slides in Japanese (246 KB)   TRIZ Symposium (Official Rept.) TRIZ Symp. (Nakagawa Personal Rept.) Japanese page


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