
The Curriculum at Osaka Gakuin University

Osaka Gakuin University operates on a “Quarter System”, introduced in the 2017 academic year. The academic year is divided into 4 terms, with Term 1 and Term 2 replacing the old first semester and Term 3 and Term 4 replacing the old second semester. Each term is 7 weeks in length.
A “Summer Session” and a “Spring Session” with mostly intensive courses will be held during summer and spring holidays.


Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
The First Semester The Second Semester
Term 1 Term 2 Summer
Term 3 Term 4 Spring


Each class is 105 minutes, with 5 periods held each day, as shown below.

Period Time
1 09:00~10:45
2 11:00~12:45
(Lunch Break 12:45~13:30)
3 13:30~15:15
4 15:30~17:15
5 17:30~19:15

Purpose of the “Quarter System”

The purposes of adopting the “Quarter System” are as follows:

  • To promote courses that are short-term and intensive.
    (To substantiate credit by increasing in learning time.)
  • To quickly identify the actual level of student’s learning by completing each subject in around 7 weeks.
  • To support the realization of a flexible learning schedule.
    (Enabling studying abroad, internship, volunteer activities etc.)
  • To enable tie-up programs with other institutions.
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