A New Generation of TRIZ
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University) | |
The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Laforet Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka | |
[Posted here on Sept. 20, 2005] [Japanese version posted on Sept. 20, 2005] |
Editor's Note
(Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 17, 2005)
This paper was presented as the Keynote Speech at the First TRIZ Symposium in Japan. The Symposium was held by the "Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan", with the joint efforts of (almost) all the parties involved in promoting, introducing, applying, and teaching TRIZ and related methods in Japan. It was a big success of three days of presentations, discussions, and communications by 104 participants (inculding 4 from overseas). Please refer to the Symposium posted in different pages.
In the Symposium, the speech was given in Japanese with two screens of slides in Japanese and in English. The present page contains the abstract of the paper with a one-page explanation (translated from Japanese). The slides in English are posted in a PDF format.
A New Generation of TRIZ
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
TRIZ has been introduced in the Western countries over these 10 years; while the understanding of TRIZ proceeds, it also becomes clear that we need a new generation of it. Since TRIZ traditionally wants to make its knowledge bases and methods bigger and more complex, there emerges a serious need of a new methodology much simpler and yet effective for creatively solving problems.After well digesting the thoughts in TRIZ, they should be reorganized into a new methodology, which should be easy to learn and effective to apply for creatively solving a wide variety of real problems.
USIT is such a new generation of TRIZ, the present author believes.The overall structure of USIT, being represented with the Six-Box Scheme, offers a new universal framework of creative problem solving.We are free from the ambiguity of analogical thinking and have obtained a new methodology for solving problems creatively in a smooth and effective way.USIT has been applied in several industries in Japan.
Supplementary explanation (Translated from Japanese, Sept. 17, 2005, TN):
TRIZ has developed a huge set of knowledge bases and methods for inventive and creative problem solving. And the people who have mastered TRIZ well have demonstrated their high capabilities. The traditional TRIZ, established in the former USSR, however, contains some peculiar difficulties having roots in its developement history, and the overall structure of TRIZ is not clear. Thus, in the Western countries today, it has been revealed that only very limited percentage of targeted engineers would be able to master the contents of TRIZ by spending long periods of study and that as the result TRIZ would fail in obtaining a large majority of able engineers and white-callored people who need creative thinking. Hence it is necessary to propose, on the bases of many ways of creative thinking in TRIZ, a new methodology with much clearer, simpler and yet more effective ways of creative thinking.
'A new generation of TRIZ' must be clear in its fundamental concepts, have clear overall structure and overall procedure, and be effective for real applications of creative problem solving. It is now desired in Japan to establish such a system of methodology, to apply it widely to real industrial problem solving, to refine it further with reference to the results, and thus to contribute to leading innovations in Japan.
The present author believes that USIT (Unified Sructured Inventive Thinking) can be an answer to the request for such 'a new generation of TRIZ'. USIT has been obtained by reorganizing TRIZ in the above points of view. In particluar, USIT has already established: the basic concept of Objects-Attributes-Functions, the concept of USIT Operators, the overall structure representable with the Six-Box Scheme, a smooth and consistent overall procedure, a number of methods for carrying out the porcedure concisely and effetively, a practical training method, etc. We hope to apply USIT widely to real problem solving and to accumulate the results of practices for refining it further.
Slides (PDF format, 4 slides/page, 48 slides, 150 KB) Click here.
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Japanese slides (PDF) |
The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan | Symposium program |
Last updated on Sept. 20, 2005. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@utc.osaka-gu.ac.jp