TRIZ Textbooks:  CID Course for Children, 3-1W
Planet of Unsolved Misteries:
Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID) Based on TRIZ, 3rd Grade, 1st Semester, 
Natalia V. Rubina (Petrozavodsk, Russia) 1998 [published in Russian];  English translation by Irina Dolina (Tokyo, Japan) Jun. 3, 2001;  Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) Dec. 15, 2001
Published in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in English on Dec. 17, 2001 under the permission of the Author.   (C) N.V.Rubina, I. Dolina, T. Nakagawa, 2001

List of posting in this Home  Page:

Dec. 17, 2001 3rd Grade/1st Semester  "Planet of Unsolved Misteries" Whole volume Guide-Book Workbook

Editor's Note:  Please refer to the Editor's Preface (by T. Nakagawa) and the Author's Preface (by N. V. Rubina) on the top page of this Course textbook series.

Contents of the CID Course, 3rd Grade, 1st Semester     Course Top Page: 
Book Title; 
   Contents  Guide-
"Planet of Unsolved Misteries" 

     3rd Grade, 
     1st  Semester

Guide-book             Workbook

Preface and Weekly Topic Planning Dec. 17, 
Introduction Dec. 17, 
1. Method of Solving Problems
   (Contradictions, Ideality, and Resources)
Dec. 17, 
2. Methods of Solving Contradictions Dec. 17, 
3. Scheme of Solving Problems Dec. 17, 
4. Card Index 
       (Problem Synthesis)
Dec. 17, 
Reference   --- Dec. 17, 


 (C) N.V.Rubina, I. Dolina, T. Nakagawa, 2001

Planet of Unsolved Misteries

Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID)
(Based on Theory  of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ))


Third Grade, First Semester

(Part 5)

 Natalia V. Rubina

Student Name: ________________________________________________
Class: ________________________________________



Planet of Unsolved Misteries

Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID)
(Based on Theory  of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ))


Third Grade, First Semester

(Part 5)

 Natalia V. Rubina

 Petrozavodsk  1998

 English Translation by Irina Dolina,  June 3, 2001

Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa,  December 15, 2001



     We live in a rapidly changing world.  Bare knowledge like a frozen copy of the past, can not fully help us to solve the arising problems.  An ability to solve creative problems, an advanced imagination are the qualities that mostly define a personality not only of tomorrow but of today, as well.

     On the basis of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) the author of this book has worked out and tested "The Program of the Course of Creative Imagination Developing for the elementary school".  The controlled imagination allows a person faster and simpler to adapt himself to changing conditions, therefore the CID course is actively used  by psychologists for diagnostics and psychological correction of elementary school students.

     In order to simplify the work on this program a student book and a workbook were prepared to be presented here.

     The whole program is meant for three grades: "Fairy Tale School" - first grade; "The Fantasy City" -  second grade; "The Planet of Unsolved Mysteries" - third grade.  This program was used to instruct the kids of the first to the third grades of School No. 17 in the course of 6 years.  The classes were conducted once a week; the classes were divided into two groups. The program was conducted in a few schools (the CID classes are being held by the elementary school teachers at schools No. 17 , No. 43 and others).

     The author expresses her deep gratitude to I. N. Murashkovska, A. N. Nesterenko, M. C. Gafitulin,  Sergey and Svetlana Sychovs, N. N. Khomenko, V. I. Timohov, Anatoly and Svetlana Gin,  M. S. Rubin, whose works helped a lot in creating the CID course and the workbooks.  And of course the help of the first - third grade students of School No. 17 of Petrozavodsk was very valuable.  Thank you, my dear little magicians!

     Your comments and suggestions please send to the following adress: 185014  Petrozavodsk, a.ya. 8 OO “TRIZ-Karelia”, Rubina N. V.

Put here your photograph.


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Last updated on Dec. 17, 2001.     Access point:  Editor: