WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-A-Switzerland

Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Czech Republic

Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Location = Czech Republic

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
Jul. 30, 2021

Posted:  Aug. 5, 2021

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 30, 2021)

This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Czech Republic. 
See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Czechoslovakia TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list 24 Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Czech Republicd to construct "Czech Republic Part of World WTSP Catalogs".

Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Czech Republic

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country




 (A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Czech Republic

location= Czech Republic,      language = any   
Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Toru Nakagawa  Jul. 28, 2021


## □   ICG (Integrated Consulting Group)            https://www.integratedconsulting.cz/ ==> Multi countries in Europe  

TRIZ | Training | ICG-Capability
TRIZ. The training for strategic innovative teams, but also for engineers and technicians, who are looking for creative problem solving.
About Us :  Who is ICG? :  ICG is a European consulting team with Central European and Skandinavian roots. Together with executives and employees we develop sustainable transformation processes.
ICG-Capability : We are part of ICG Integrated Consulting Group - consulting company operating in 12 European countries with more than 35 years of experience.

##         ICG-Capability         https://capability.cz/ 

capability.cz > ... > TRIZ - Školení - ICG-Capability
TRIZ - Školení - ICG-Capability
Intenzivní kurz metody TRIZ vás naučí používat sadu nástrojů pro analýzu potenciálu produktu (či služby) a pro jejich následnou radikální inovaci.
capability.cz > ... > TRIZ - ICG-Capability
TRIZ - ICG-Capability
TRIZ. The training for strategic innovative teams, but also for engineers and technicians, who are looking for creative problem solving.

##         SC&C Partner          https://www.scacp.cz/  ==> Around-TRIZ

TRIZ: Systematická a kreativní inovace - SC&C Partner
Seznamte se na našem školení s metodikou, kterou používají nejen přední R&D společnosti (např. Siemens, Procter & Gamble, General Motors). Soubor metod a ...
About Us :  Who we are:  We are experts in Lean Six Sigma strategy and Lean design. We consult, lead projects and train Czech and multinational companies to continue to grow, develop, innovate and reduce costs. We can empathize with the problems of our customers and propose the most suitable solution. We build on long-term relationships with clients and have visible results.

## □   BUT (Bruno University of Technology)       https://www.vutbr.cz/en/

Projekt - Rozvíjení tvořivosti studentů, učitelů a inženýrů ... - VUT
Rozvíjení tvořivosti studentů, učitelů a inženýrů pomocí metodiky TRIZ. ... Analýza historie, stavu a perspektiv zavádění TRIZ do vzdělavacího systému a ...
About Us :  Bruno University of Technology:  We are the largest engineering university in the Czech Republic.  We have almost 19 000 proud talents.
Detail předmětu - TRIZ-Tvorba a řešení inovačních zadání ...
TRIZ: Analýza prvků/operací, vazeb, funkcí, parametrů a nákladů na jejich realizaci v existujícím objektu (produktu/procesu). Funkčnost, problémovost a ...

##         zvut (BUT News)                 https://zvut.cz/ 

Bohuslav Bušov: Zdokonalit jde všechno. Metodika TRIZ učí ...
2019/9/12 -Tak podle Bohuslava Bušova z Ústavu výkonové elektrotechniky a elektroniky FEKT VUT a člena mezinárodní i české asociace TRIZ nadneseně zní ...

##         Yahoo!Search (Images)      https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=TRIZ%20OR%20%22Systematic%20innovation%22%20OR%20%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%98%D0%97 

##  △               Technický týdeník (Technical weekly)         https://www.technickytydenik.cz/ 

Analýza a cíle inovačního projektu Motto: Myslíš-li si, že jsi inženýr, mysli… V následujících řádcích budete číst o metodice TRIZ, kterou založil...

##          Institute of Education       https://www.institute-of-education.com/ ==> Russia

«Практическая ТРИЗ-педагогика для учителя»
Авторы курса: Новоселов Евгений Витальевич, Беркова Виктория Николаевна Противоречия современного образования требуют разрешения множества пробл...
"Practical TRIZ-pedagogy for a teacher"
Course authors: Novoselov Evgeny Vitalievich, Berkova Victoria Nikolaevna The contradictions of modern education require the resolution of many problems ...

##  □             TRIZing (by Bohuslav Bušov)          https://www.triz.cz/

Trizing | Tvorba a Řešení Inovačních Zadání
podporu Goldfire Innovator, doporučují zavedení tohoto metodického a sw. nástroje do studia techniky a do inovační praxe firem. Zavádění metodiky TRIZ a její sw ...

##         LinkedIn       https://cz.linkedin.com/ ==> Global

Ksenia Tkalich - Business consultant (in Organization ...
Ksenia Tkalich | Česko | TRIZ-RI Group consulting (Pán Myšlenek s.r.o., Sychyov & Ko) | 86 spojení | Zobrazit domovskou stránku, profil, aktivitu a články ...

##         MSID (Moravian-Silesian Investment and Development)              https://www.msid.cz/

Jak řešit inovační úkoly - odborný seminář TRIZ | www.msid.cz
Odborný seminář "TRIZ – jedna z hlavních metod úspěšných inovací", kde se dozvíte vše o metodice tvorby a řešení inovačních zadání (TRIZ) a také o její ...
About Us :  Moravian-Silesian Investment and Development (MSID) is a joint-stock company 100% owned by the Moravian-Silesian Region. It was established in 1993 as the Regional Development Agency (RDA) in order to support development throughout the Region. MSID's role is to implement the Region's development policies, including a wide range of projects and initiatives which benefit companies, institutions and individuals throughout the Region.   In 2018 the Regional Development Agency became the MSID. This name change reflected a shift in focus, as the MSID became one of the specialist agencies tasked with helping the Region to implement its development strategy 'Vision 2024: New Energy for the Moravian-Silesian Region'. MSID's core activities focus on supporting business, entrepreneurship and employment in the Region.  
MSID operates in three core priority areas. Priority 1 is support for investment in the Region. Priority 2 is support for business (including the planning and implementation of development projects). Priority 3 is marketing. All three core priority areas are closely integrated and coordinated to boost regional development across a broad spectrum of activities, bringing benefits to the Region's people, companies and institutions.

##         Autocluster (Moravian-Silesian Automobile Cluster z.s.)                 https://autoklastr.cz/ 

Podpora technických řešení | Autoklastr
TRIZ (Tvorba a řešení inovačních zadání) – je metodika a GoldFire Innovator její soft. podpora pro řešitele inovací. Metodika TRIZ a znalostní systém GFI ...
About Us :  Moravian-Silesian Automobile Cluster z.s. (hereinafter referred to as the Autocluster) was established in order to support innovation and increase the competitiveness and export capacity of interconnected companies, entrepreneurs and institutions operating in the Moravian-Silesian Region. It strives to build a common identity of companies in the cluster and wants to establish trust and positive attitudes towards the automotive industry and the entire region.

##         Facebook                 https://cs-cz.facebook.com/ ==> Global 

cs-cz.facebook.com > ... > Služby správy
Pán Mýšlenek, s.r.o, TRIZ-RI Group - Hlavní stránka | Facebook
Řada metodik, připravených našimi odborníky, je založena na systému TRIZ (teorie řešení invenčních úkolů, jejímž autorem je pan Henrich Saulovič Altšuller).

##         E-constructor (Portal for machine constructors)                 https://e-konstrukter.cz/ 

TRIZ, DFSS, Brainstorming: Která metoda je nejlepší? - Portál ...
2013/7/1 -TRIZ poskytuje metodologii pro tvorbu inovací a zlepšovacích návrhů a je blízkým příbuzným Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).

##         IKI (Institute of Creativity and innovation)             http://www.iki-institut.cz/ 

IKI - Institut kreativity a inovací
TRIZ – teorie řešení invenčních problémů. Tato teorie zahrnuje praktickou metodologii, soubor nástrojů, bázi standardů i efektů a postupy pro modelování ...
About Us :  Our Mission :  Mobilize invention in your company….   We offer training and consulting focused on a higher level of solving technical problems for small, medium and large companies. In providing our services, we combine practical and systematic methods such as global knowledge databases, the TRIZ method and innovative engineering methods.:  Product-oriented innovation, Process-oriented innovation, Use of patents for innovation and own know-how, Orientation in product evaluation on the market,  raining in the field of systematic creativity and MATRIZ certifications

##         API (Academy of Productivity and Innovations)                 https://www.e-api.cz/ ==> Around-TRIZ

Tomu, kdo má nápad, svítí oči | API Akademie
2015/9/10 -TRIZ, WOIS, Creax, mezi intuitivní metody patří např. Brainstorming a Brainwriting, myšlenkové mapy, Bionika apod.
About Us :  API – Academy of Productivity and innovations is a company that provides complete consulting and educational services in Industrial Engineering and LEAN management. We help our partners build up their ability to continuously increase the competitiveness of their products and services. The extraordinary character of API is not based on its focus on the "magic words" productivity and innovation, but on its unique approach to resolving problems. It is, simply, based on the synergy of the parallel application of the most recent methods and building up the skills of people.   API is based on the mutual exchange of positive and negative experiences, open discussions and sharing know-how. Its greatest advantage is creating a network of enterprises, educational and expert institutions that associate and develop its ideas and innovative, industrial engineering, business and management talents.   API works on the basis of closely linking the practice of industrial enterprises and the latest industrial engineering and innovation trends.

##         Pinterest       https://cz.pinterest.com/  ==> Global 

cz.pinterest.com > ... > Vedení Voblasti Vzdělávání
Pin na nástěnce Problem solving - Pinterest
Oxford Creativity TRIZ Problem Solving Facilitation Workshops. ... Systematic Innovation An Introduction To Triz. Invention or technical innovation can be ...

##         Glass (Glass.cz Marketplace)          https://www.glass.cz/ 

Untitled Document - GLASS.cz
Jednou ze silných metod tvůrčí technické činnosti je metoda TRIZ -Tvorba a Řešení ... Metoda TRIZ umožňuje jak nalezení správné formulace zadání z nejasné ...

##         ICT PRO       https://www.skoleni-softskills.cz/ ==> Around-TRIZ

www.skoleni-softskills.cz > ... > Inovace produktu
Kurz Metoda TRIZ (TRIZ) | ICT Pro - Soft skills
Kurz Metoda TRIZ (TRIZ) | Schopnost inovovat svoje produkty tak, aby odpovídaly měnícím se požadavkům klientů je dnes jednou ze základních ... | ICT Pro.
About Us : History ICT Pro has been on the market since 1992;
The company has been a provider of comprehensive services in the field of ICT since 1995, and during its operation on the education market, the services were subsequently expanded to meet the current requirements of business partners and students. During its existence, the company has gained experience with education in many fields and with the provision of related services. Confirmation of this careful and honest work is quality long-term relationships with many regular clients and business partners.

##         AGUARRA (Agile Competence Center)       https://www.aguarra.com/ ==> Around-TRIZ

Aguarra - Aguarra - Training of Agile Methodologies SCRUM ...
It focuses on project management and providing quality certification courses in agile methodologies and innovations - SCRUM, KANBAN, LEAN, TRIZ, ...
About Us :  AGUARRA is competence center for agile techniques and technology innovations. It serves as a platform for experts, who work on research and implementation of agile techniques. Center was established as commercial face of Agilia community. Our goal is through engagement of human creative potential improve productivity and internal efficiency, innovativeness and financial returns of our customers. We provide trainings, consulting services, community platform and also organize conferences. Inseparable part of our activities is creation of knowledge based jobs especially in regions.

##         Průmyslové Inženýrství.cz (Industrial Engineering)                https://www.prumysloveinzenyrstvi.cz/  ==> Around TRIZ   

www.prumysloveinzenyrstvi.cz > ... > Aktuálně
TRIZ, ruská metodika řešení problémů | Průmyslové ...
2018/6/13 -Někdo se mě zeptal, zda ruský TRIZ je ekvivalentem Six Sigmy, Lean nebo nějaké jiné metodiky neustálého zlepšování procesů (CPI).
Top page :  Here you will find information, advice, tips and manuals related to industrial engineering and many other related fields. You can share your experiences, opinions, come for advice or just read current posts. Also look forward to interesting videos not only about Lean.  Industrial Engineering Team.cz

##         Oeconomia.info       https://oeconomia.info/ 

TRIZ | Oeconomia.info
2014/8/14 -TRIZ, zkratka pro Teorii řešení inovačních zadání, je inovační metodologií, o které se u nás mnoho neví. A to přestože své kořeny má v ...
About Us :  New economic website from us!  Stock market investor :   We have prepared a new economic website for you - this time focused on beginning investors on the stock exchange. The Stock Exchange Investor website will give you basic advice in your investment beginnings. Independently and practically, we believe that the information contained on the website will be really useful for readers and will show them that investing can be fun. And also that it is not necessary to entrust it to the hands of "financial advisors".

##        FCC Public (Publisher of Professional Literature)                 https://www.odbornecasopisy.cz/ ==> Around-TRIZ

ARID-HK.cz. Činnost ARIDu je finančně podporována Královéhradeckým krajem strana č._1. Metoda TRIZ. (Tvorba a řešení inovačních zadání). Ing. Pavel Jirman ...
About Us :  FCC PUBLIC s. R. O. Is a publishing house of technical literature, whose publishing activities are focused primarily on the field of electrical engineering and related fields. It publishes professional magazines ELEKTRO and SVĚTLO as well as book titles dealing with the topics of electrical engineering, lighting, alternative energy and management.

##  □           TUL (Technical University of Liberec) : DSpace (Digital Repository)              https://dspace.tul.cz/ 

Nástroje systematické kreativity ke zvyšování efektivity strojů a ...
Na základě studia metody TRIZ, vlastních řešených úloh a zkušeností byla vytvořena metoda nazvaná TRIZ for Efficiency (TfE) sloužící k inovaci strojů a zařízení ...





(B) Summary Table:  Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Czech Republic

location= Czech Republic,       language= Any
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Toru Nakagawa  Jul. 28, 2021       


Site Code

Site Name

Site Domain URL

## □

  ICG (Integrated Consulting Group)    

  https://www.integratedconsulting.cz/ ==> Multi countries in Europe  





  SC&C Partner  

  https://www.scacp.cz/  ==> Around-TRIZ

## □

  BUT (Bruno University of Technology)  



  zvut (BUT News)   



  Yahoo!Search (Images)   


##  △

  Technický týdeník (Technical weekly)  



   Institute of Education    

  https://www.institute-of-education.com/ ==> Russia

##  □ 

  TRIZing (by Bohuslav Bušov)




  https://cz.linkedin.com/ ==> Global


  MSID (Moravian-Silesian Investment and Development) 



  Autocluster (Moravian-Silesian Automobile Cluster z.s.)  




  https://cs-cz.facebook.com/ ==> Global 


  E-constructor (Portal for machine constructors)  



  IKI (Institute of Creativity and innovation)    



  API (Academy of Productivity and Innovations)  

  https://www.e-api.cz/ ==> Around-TRIZ



  https://cz.pinterest.com/  ==> Global 


  Glass (Glass.cz Marketplace)  




  https://www.skoleni-softskills.cz/ ==> Around-TRIZ


  AGUARRA (Agile Competence Center) 

  https://www.aguarra.com/ ==> Around-TRIZ


  Průmyslové Inženýrství.cz (Industrial Engineering) 

  https://www.prumysloveinzenyrstvi.cz/  ==> Around TRIZ   





 FCC Public (Publisher of Professional Literature)  

  https://www.odbornecasopisy.cz/ ==> Around-TRIZ

##  □ 

 TUL (Technical University of Liberec) : DSpace (Digital Repository)    





Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Czech Republic

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country



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Last updated on Aug. 5, 2021.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp