WTSP Practice Guide (B3-News2019)  

Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019

Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader) ,
Jun. 8, 2019; Jun. 12, 2019

==> Short Summary  (Jul. 7, 2019)

Posted:  Jun. 10, 2019; Updated:  Jun. 14; Jul. 7, 2019

For going to Japanese pages, press buttons. 

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa,  Jun. 8, 2019)

We have recently submitted a paper to the ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference 2019 (TFC2019) by the name of 6 Global Co-editors.  As you know, just after the TFC last year, we set our concrete goal to "Report the Completion of World WTSP Catalogs at the ETRIA TFC2019".  And the TFC2019 is now coming close, to be held on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at Marrakech, Morocco .  At the present stage of having only 5 months left, we need to clarify what and how we should do. 

This article is our Practice Guide for completing our World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019.  It is based on the last two sections of our TFC2019 paper (written in black fonts), which reflects our recent discussions .  To make this an effective Practice Guide, I have added various notes, referring to existing information (in green fonts) and mentioning new and detailed information (in blue fonts).

This article has 2 important findings.  (a) I have obtained a clear and practical technical vision of World WTSP Catalogs in the form of Interactive Edition; composed of the Index file (.pdf) and many List of Sites files (.pdf), where both types of files can be built and updated easily.  (b) Forming WTSP Teams with Country Editors in every country is most crucial for the success of WTSP.

We wish to build Country and World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related sites in the world with getting your support and involvement in the WTSP project.   Please feed us back any of your questions, comments, suggestions, contributions, etc.
Let's work Together ! Connected !!

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 12, 2019)  Subsection 7. is added:  Summary of the Tasks requested to individual (Country) WTSP Teams.   

The final form of our World WTSP Catalogs, as an Interactive System:
World Index (.pdf) and many Lists of Site Descriptions (.pdf) from every Country WTSP Teams.
Click the figure to enlarge.


The final form of manuscripts to be contributed by Country WTSP Teams.
Essentially the Country WTSP Catalog, as an Interactive System.
Click the figure to enlarge.


Three Forms useful for Country WTSP Teams.

Click figures to enlarge.

Click the buttons to download the file.


Recommendation of Sites (.xlsx)

Description of a site (.docx)

Index Table of Sites  (.xlsx)

Table of Contents

Practical Approaches for Completing the World WTSP Catalogs   

1.  Reconsidering the difficulties
2.  To get more WTSP Members and form WTSP Teams in every country
3.  To list up and survey TRIZ-related Web sites
4.  To visit individual sites to understand, describe, and evaluate them step by step
5.  To write and review manuscripts of the Country WTSP Catalog
6.  To integrate and build the World WTSP Catalogs
7.  Summary of the Tasks requested to individual (Country) WTSP Teams

Concluding Remarks:  What is most crucial for the success of WTSP?


Top of this page

Practical Approaches


Forming Teams

List of Sites

Describing individual sites

Country Catalogs

World Catalogs

Summary of Requests



Short Summary

Japanese page (Short Summary)


  Practical Approaches for Completing the World WTSP Catalogs   

1.  Reconsidering the difficulties

As described so far, the WTSP project have developed the visions, guidelines, project teams, processes, methods, etc. step by step for building the Country and World WTSP Catalogs.  However, our project is much behind the time schedule for completing the World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019, to be held on Oct. 9-11, 2019. 

Note:  Our time schedule set in Nov. 2018 was:

Dec. 31, 2018

Formation of WTSP teams in every country

Mar. 31, 2019

Completion of Country WTSP Catalogs in every country, for open reviewing inside the project;
First draft of Categorized World WTSP Catalog

Jun. 30,  2019

Completion of revised Country WTSP Catalogs and
Completion of World WTSP Catalog for open reviewing inside the project

Sept. 20, 2019

Completion of revised World WTSP Catalogs and revised Categorized World WTSP Catalog for open public reviewing

Oct. 9-11, 2019

ETRIA TFC2019: Report of Completed World and Country WTSP Catalogs and Categorized World WTSP Catalog

The weak point of our project is the fact that in many countries the WTSP Teams are not formed well and not working actively.  The problem situation is "Many people support the aims of the WTSP project, but very few actually join to work together".  And the main reason for it is "Talented, active persons in TRIZ are always too busy", as known from the beginning.  

Note:  See the up-to-date List of WTSP Members and their Roles in
The problem situations and difficulties are discussed, e.g., in our paper at TFC2018 .

In this situation, we have to go further ahead for about 5 months left in a practical manner to complete the World WTSP Catalogs for reporting at TFC2019.  The practical, step-by-step ways are discussed in the following sections.


2.  To get more WTSP Members and form WTSP Teams in every country

First of all, requests to all the current WTSP Members: 

    Please fill in and submit your WTSP Membership Application Form (downloadable here) , if you have not done so yet. 

    Please post our two articles, i.e., WTSP Appeal and WTSP Summary Slides, in your own (or your involving) Web sites, for getting wider acquaintance in the TRIZ community.

WTSP Appeal: An Appeal for Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World; by the 6 WTSP Global Co-editors, posted in HTML and in PDF (Jun. 25, 2018).

WTSP Summary Slides:  World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources, by the 6 WTSP Global Co-editors, Slides (Summary Version) presented at ETRIA TFC2018, Oct. 29-31, 2018; posted in HTML and in PDF (Nov. 11, 2018).

Please send email communications or phone calls among the WTSP Members and some more TRIZ colleagues in your country to form a WTSP Team

For doing this make a list of TRIZ colleagues in your country including the Members and those you recommend to invite to WTSP, and pass the list to all the relevant people for inviting them to form the WTSP Team in your country.  Please note that anybody is welcome to WTSP.

Note:   The WTSP Appeal and Summary slides mentioned above may work for inviting people to join WTSP.  You may refer to  on our policies and  on our way of organza ti on.
List of current Members (A) and Members to be (B) in each country are shown in the List of Members .  Besides, there may be several 'Invitees to WTSP' to whom we sent WTSP information and invitation regularly since Dec. 2017 (D) or since Nov. 2018 (E).  Information of these people was already sent to the relevant people in each country in Nov. 2018 via email.

Assign the Country Editor(s) among the WTSP Members:   

Country Editor(s) do the most important work of coordinating the WTSP Team in the country.  He/she should dispatch various WTSP tasks to appropriate Members (or non-Members), after roughly evaluating the priority and size of the tasks.  He/she should ask and advise the Team Members how to carry out the tasks.  He/she should collect the results done by the Team Members and make manuscripts of Country WTSP Catalogs.

We wish that TRIZ colleagues in each country work together collaboratively.

Please also consider the possibility of sharing the Country Editor's tasks by two or three  Members with close collaboration.   In France, a professor and an industrial TRIZ leader have become Country Editors jointly.

Assign some Member(s) who carry out Internet Surveys of TRIZ-related sites in the country.  Assign some (other) Member(s) who take care of handling the WTSP platform on the Bitrix24 system, and who take care of handling the WTSP Database System in future.

Since these two tasks need technical capability, it may be desirable to assign some members for these tasks.

The tasks of visiting individual sites and describing them should be carried out by all the WTSP Team Members in collaboration and by getting help of the site owners and non-Members.


3.  To list up and survey TRIZ-related Web sites

List up important TRIZ-related sites in your country using your background knowledge: 

Make a tentative List of TRIZ-related Web sites in your country using your background knowledge. 
The List should have the columns of information: 
      Site name, Site domain URL, Owner of the site, Email access to the owner,
      Roles of the site, Single-line introduction to the site, etc. 
Then send emails to all the key persons, either WTSP Member or not, for asking them to enhance the List. 

A sample form for listing up recommended sites is made as an Excel file.  Click here to download: 

Click the figure to enlarge the Form image.


 If possible, list up the sites in the wider scope to include relevant methodologies around TRIZ.   The List should be enhanced whenever someone finds good sites.

'Wider scope' cannot be defined clearly.  See some examples in Japan WTSP Catalog , in Multiple sets of Indexing Schemes , and Internet Searches (3rd round) with wider scopes


Internet searches are powerful means to find many important, new sites and to enhance the List.  However, because the outputs can be noisy and messy, you should learn various experiences and knowhow, such as those posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".

Experiences in pilot project of Japan WTSP Catalog: (Jan. 30, 2018)

Preliminary Internet Searches in various (33+) countries: (Sept. 27, 2018)

Preliminary Internet Searches (2) in the world: (Mar. 31, 2019)

Preliminary Internet Searches (3) in wider scope: (May 18, 2019)

Keyword of 'TRIZ' (or 'ТРИЗ' in Russian) is the first choice.  You may find a large number of sites referring to TRIZ itself. 

For wider scope in TRIZ-related methodologies, successful Keyword combinations are : e.g.,
     Creative  Think  Method
     (Creative OR Innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique)

(Step (1) of the process shown in the table below:) Search results on a browser can be easily 'Copy & Paste' onto an MS Word file keeping the URL hyperlinks active.  The URL in Word can be accessed by clicking the URL while pressing the CTRL key.

The option (in Yahoo.Japan search engine) of listing only one representative page for a site and output the URL for internal site search is very useful .   You can avoid multiple pages from a site.  If, without this option, you get outputs of multiple pages from each site, you should better group those multiple pages first, in order to avoid duplicate visits to the same sites.  

(Step (2):) By visiting the individual sites quickly, you can get the minimum information of 
     Site name and Site domain URL (with a hyperlink to it). 
These information is added in the List of TRIZ-related sites, to be checked later (in the next section). 


4.  To visit individual sites to understand, describe, and evaluate them step by step

(In case of a site listed/recommended by some people in the above process:)
It may be practical to write emails to the site owners to describe their sites by filling in the standard format of  WTSP site description.   We are going to prepare for a typical email for this request, together with the format and its instructions.  If the owner thinks his/her site important, he/she would respond us positively.

The standard form of WTSP Site Description has been made. 
It is made in a tabular form in the MS Word, because of the merit of similarity to the format in the List of Sites Descriptions.

Click the figure to enlarge the Form image.

Click here to download the Word file: 

Since the site owners know their Web site well, they can fill in this Form directly without much difficulty, we suppose.

In the List of Site Descriptions, we may copy this whole table as the description of a site, but we should better extract the contents of this table and paste them in the text form and adjust the format slightly.



In case of a Web site detected by the Internet search, we should investigate and evaluate the site step by step as follows (See the summary table shown at the end of this subsection)

(Note:  In this process, pieces of information expected to be written in the standard format are gathered step by step using informal relaxed format in MS Word without using the standard tabular format.):

At this stage (i.e., Step (1)(2) in the table shown below), we should better evaluate it roughly whether it can be a candidate to be recorded in our Country or World WTSP Catalogs: 

For this purpose, making the internal site search (i.e., Step (3)) is useful. 
The internal site search can be made (in any of your search engine) by using new key words in the form of:
           site:[URL of the site domain]  [original (or any) Keyword]    

Then you will see many relevant pages of various titles/topics.  The number of pages hit in the site (shown at the top of the site search) is a useful information, to be recorded in the List. 

The internal site search can be done for any Web site without depending on the function installed in the site itself.
Use your own search engine.  
If you find a site having the URL, say  https://www.TRIZhome.com/ ,
then you can do the internal site search using the new keyword (in place of TRIZ)
         site:https://www.TRIZhome.com/   TRIZ
This is easy and very powerful for examining inside of a site.

At this stage you may drop some sites which are apparently irrelevant to our theme, with very few pages, of poor quality, etc. 

For possible candidates, we should examine the sites more closely step by step:    

(Step (4):) Visit the site at any page and then go to the top page, to see the site title and the domain URL. 
Carry out the internal site search, as mentioned above.  Taking a look at the titles of pages, we will get rough understanding of the scope and approaches of the sites. 
Then go ahead to read the top page and 'About us' page to understand the intention of the site. 
Taking a glance of several more pages,
you will be able to describe basic information of the site, namely:
         Site name, Domain URL, Number of pages hit by the internal site search,
         Site location, Site language, Role of the site,
         and (tentative) Evaluation. 
We may drop the sites with the -evaluation.   
Description at this stage may be good enough at moment for the sites with the △ evaluation, i.e. Worthy of the Country WTSP Catalog (but not of World WTSP Catalogs).

(Step (5)) For the sites with higher evaluation (◎ ○  □), we should go further:  

By some more close look at the site pages, you fill in the information of
       Application phase, Application fields, and Methods. 

(Step (6)) For describing an
       Introduction to the site in 5-10 lines (in  a free format),
you will need more understanding. 
Excerpts from the top page or the 'About us' page may be a good alternative for tentative use. 

(Step (7)) All these items should be written before registering the site in the WTSP Database (especially for the World WTSP Catalogs).
(Note: During 2019, we will not use the WTSP Database, and will not need to register in the WTSP Database. Description of individual sites in a informal format in MS Word will be used as explained below. Nevertheless the Information obtained so far and the information filled in the standard form of site descriptions are essentially the same with the information to be used for registering the site in the WTSP Database.)


The Steps of the process discussed in this subsection are made clear in the following table:

Action of inspection

Information obtained

Necessity in record

Evaluation and action

(1) Internet search

URL, title, and excerpts of a page in a site

temporary use


(2) Visit the site quickly

Name of site,
URL of site domain


You may drop apparently irrelevant sites without recording these.

(3) Internal site search

Number of hit pages,
titles and excerpts of hit pages

temporary use

You may drop irrelevant sites without recording these.

(4) Quickly visit top page, About us page, and some more pages

Site location,
Site language,
Role of the site,   
(tentative) Evaluation


If you evaluate -, you may drop the site without recording these.
For the sites △ or higher、record these and go ahead.

(5) Closer look at pages

Application phase,
Application fields,
(refined) Evaluation  


For the sites evaluated △, you may or may not record these.
For the sites evaluated  □ ○ ◎, desirable to record these, and go ahead

(6) Closer understanding Description of introduction,
(refined) Evaluation


For the sites evaluated □ ○ ◎, this description is necessary
(7) Filling in the standard format All the information obtained above Yes For the sites evaluated □ ○ ◎,
all the information obtained above are to be recorded in the standard format (in case of using the WTSP Database System) or in a corresponding relaxed format in MS Word (in case of not using the WTSP Database System)


5.  To write and review manuscripts of the Country WTSP Catalog

By integrating the descriptions of individual sites, we go ahead to make the Country WTSP Catalog: 

At the initial stage such manuscripts may be written in some informal format using MS Word and may be uploaded in the Bitrix24 platform.       
Among various schemes of arranging the sites, categorizing with the Roles of the sites may be most useful.  

Even though I missed to mention clearly so far, the Country WTSP Catalog should better be written in the country's own language first. The site name, description of introduction, etc. are naturally written in your own language. 
The Country WTSP Catalogs are primarily used by the people in your country.

The format of Country WTSP Catalogs is not specified formally. 
A sample of Country WTSP Catalog at this stage may be seen in the Japan WTSP Catalog (in Japanese  and in English translation ). 
Note that this sample was made in Apr. 2018, hence some details do not match with the current guideline described here.

We should make the manuscripts of Country WTSP Catalog open for reviewing to the WTSP Team Members and to the site owners. 
Getting various comments and revision proposals, we should revise the manuscripts.

For reflecting the feedbacks and revisions, it may be a good practice to follow the suggestions, i.e.:
For the description of individual sites, any description and revision should be signed (with name and date) and shown in different font colors, e.g., original text in black, new and updated text in light blue, comments & suggestions in red, and revised final text in dark blue.  

Our Platform in the Bitrix24 system is very useful at this stage for accumulating and revising the manuscripts by collaboration of many people.  Files stored in the Platform can be accessed by a number of people under version control.

The Country Editor and the WTSP Team should recommend highly evaluated sites at the  ◎〇□ levels to be included in the World WTSP Catalogs. 

Importance and usefulness of a site for people in the country and those for people in the whole world may be different.   We assume sites in the country with ◎〇□ are important and useful both for people in the world and for people in the country, and sites with △ are important and useful for the people in the country. 

There is no clear-cut criteria about ◎〇□, but rules of thumb may be: ◎ for top 30 or so, 〇 for top 100 or so in the whole world (including TRIZ-related non-TRIZ sites).

Sites written in non-English languages are of course OK.  The sites should be important and useful to understand TRIZ and related methodologies for various people in the world having various interests and viewing aspects. 

The descriptions of individual sites especially at the ◎〇□ levels should be written in the standard format in English for registering in the WTSP Database System.

The World WTSP Catalogs are written in English (first) for wider understanding in the world.  Hence, the sites to be recommended from any country should be written in English (or in English translation). 
Thus the Country WTSP Catalog should better have an English version of selected sites with evaluation ◎〇□. 

For our current practical process (without using the WTSP Database System), informal description of individual sites in English may be OK.
In such an informal format, essentially all the items of information shown in the above table (in Subsection 4) (or requested in the standard format) should be written in the text form (without using a table).


6.  To integrate and build the World WTSP Catalogs

For the purpose of using at this stage, the WTSP Database System is proposed as shown in
In the present situations, however, we will have to build the World WTSP Catalogs without the new system. 
In such a case, we can work in the following practical manner using MS Word and Excel.

This practical way of process is conceptually the same as the process using the WTSP Database System.  So I will explain the manual process by referring to the concepts in the WTSP Database System.  The System is illustrated here:

The descriptions of individual sites (corresponding to 'Registered data of individual sites' in the Figure) should be written in MS Word and managed by individual countries or by some other groups. 
File names and numbering (or coding) of the sites need to be managed consistently in the whole WTSP project.

This management of the unique and consistent Site number, i.e., numbering (or coding) of individual sites, is quite difficult tasks as a matter of fact, I suppose.
Some sites are operated in multiple countries and in multiple languages (e.g., Wikipedia, Amazon, ETRIA TFC, etc.), and some sites are not clear about its location.  And surveys of sites are weak in some countries, surveys are done both bottom-up and top-down directions, etc.

Sites should have some unique codes in individual files,  And the duplications of the same site in different files should be managed somehow.    How can we do this? -- This is the problem.

Note (TN, Jun. 12, 2019):  Current solution is as follows:

Every WTSP Team should use the Team Code, typically representing the Country code (e.g., UK, FR, DE, RU) or its subproject code (e.g., UK3, GL7, etc), and manage to keep numbering the individual sites in 2 or 3 digits, when you submit your manuscripts for the preparation of the World WTSP Catalogs.  Thus every site is coded in the form XX-###,  (See Subsection 7. below.)

'Index Table of all the TRIZ-related sites' will be made in Excel sheet(s)
The 'Basic Information' of sites will be copied from MS Word to Excel. 
          (i.e., Site number, Site name, Site domain URL, Link to the site description)
The basic part of 'Answers to the multiple sets of indexing schemes' will also be copied; they include
          Location, Language, Role, and Evaluation. 
These items of data are to be used in the categorization and arrangement in the World WTSP Catalogs.

The information used in the Index Table in Excel sheets is the ones obtained in the Steps (2) and (4) in the table inserted above. 
These pieces of information are relatively easy to obtain, and used in categorizing/rearranging sites in the World WTSP Catalogs.

Then in Excel, the 'Index Table of all the sites' will be sorted manually (by the Excel commands) in some proper way of hierarchical categorization and sorting, so as to output a World WTSP Index. 

There may be 2 alternative ways of arranging the sites:
            Classify and arrange the sites with Regions/Countries, or
            Classify and arrange the sites with Evaluation first, then with Roles.  
Probably the latter may be more useful. 

In the World WTSP Catalogs, we expect to record a few hundred Web sites.
In the latter way of arrangement, Most important (top 30 or so) sites ◎are shown first categorized with their roles, then Important (top 100 or so) sites 〇are shown next, and finally all the sites Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog □ are shown. 
In the smallest subcategory, sites may be arranged in the order of Site name (and the site Location (i.e., countries) may be shown as one of data of the site).

Note that the output of the Index Table after rearrangement directly gives the World WTSP Index. 

The manuscripts of World WTSP Index, thus obtained, will be reviewed by all the WTSP Members.

Reviewing at this stage is most effective to check missing good sites and to check the site descriptions and evaluation .  

For making the World WTSP Catalog, the World WTSP Index in Excel will be copied into MS Word and the (detailed) descriptions of individual sites will be inserted manually. 

There may be two final forms (Editions) of using the World WTSP Catalogs:

(a) Interactive Edition (as a set of PDF files)

The World WTSP Index in Word is made into a PDF file, and the descriptions of individual sites are also made into PDF files having the access point for each site. 
Then, by virtue of the functions in PDF, when a user clicks a hyperlink in the Index, the description of the site is immediately shown in another window in the PC. 
Some users would prefer this Interactive Edition, because of the merits of compact Index and handy browsing of individual site description.

The structure of the Interactive Edition is illustrated in the following figure.

The Interactive Edition has a big advantage of easy building and maintenance
The List of Individual Sites (in .docx) (with detailed descriptions) may be made into a .pdf file without any change.  In front of each site, an anchor point (in the form of File - Site code) should be added in PDF. Then in the Index (.pdf) file, individual site should have a hyperlink in the form of File - Site code. 
As far as we keep the hyperlink and the anchor point consistent, we may change any contents of Index file and List of Sites files.  So we can add and update the descriptions of individual sites, and we can rearrange the sites in the Index. 
I have experiences of making this structure of system when I made the digital Proceeding of Japan TRIZ Symposium (2010-2012)

 (b) Book Edition (in a .pdf file)

The descriptions of individual sites are inserted in the World WTSP Index, and the World WTSP Catalog is provided in a complete book format.  
Some other users would prefer this Book Edition, because of the merits of easy reference to the full description of the Catalog without any further operation. 

The structure of the Book Edition (in a .pdf file) is shown in the following figure.

Description of individual sites are already inserted in the .pdf file of the World WTSP Catalog.  The Catalog may have the Index at the top, and using hyperlinks individual site description may be accessed directly in the Catalog .pdf file.
This Edition is handy for users. Thus books and manuals are usually made in this structure.

However, making this Book Edition needs much manpower for copying the site descriptions in the proper places of sites as specified by the Index. 
I do not know how to insert the site description into the specified place automatically. If any of you know such an automatic method, please tell us.

Without such an automatic method, we will not choose this Book Edition this year.


7.  Summary of the Tasks requested to individual (Country) WTSP Teams

Since we have now obtained a clear vision of the Interactive Edition of World WTSP Catalogs, our requests to individual WTSP Teams have become clear, too.  Similar to the figure of the Interactive Edition, individual WTSP Teams are requested to make the manuscripts of (Country/World) WTSP Catalogs in the following form:

(a)  List of Sites Description File(s) (.docx):

Individual WTSP Teams (such as a Team for a country, a Team for some specific fields of methodologies, etc.) should  work to list up important and useful Web sites and visit and describe them as explained in Section 4.  

The Form of "Recommended TRIZ-related Sites" shown in Subsection 3. may be useful to ask many colleagues to enhance the list of sites.  Click the figure to enlarge, and Click the button  to download the Excel file.


The standard Form of "Site Description" is shown in Subsection 4, for the purpose of asking the site owners to introduce their own sites. Since they know their sites fully, they can fill in the Form easily with reference to the codes of multiple Indexing Schemes .  Click the figure to enlarge, and Click the button  to download the Word file.

In case of a site of someone else, it is difficult for us to fill in the Form. We have to visit and study the site step by step as explained in Subsection 4. In such a case we should better use an informal format in MS Word to get such items of information and to describe them step by step.   We may not used the standard Form, because we are not going to use the WTSP Database System at moment.


The sites should be numbered uniquely and consistently in the Team (to be coded in the form XX-###).  In various viewing aspects, multiple answers may be written (e.g., multiple languages, multiple roles, etc.). 

The sites may be arranged in any order, and may be recorded separately in multiple files.  Adding new sites, revising the site description, inserting comments, slight difference in the arrangement of items, etc. are all allowable. In the final WTSP Catalogs (of the 2019 Edition), descriptions of individual sites will be shown as they are in these files.

(b) Index Table of Sites File (.xlsx)

A Index Table of sites to be included in the World WTSP Catalogs (or in the Country/Methods WTSP Catalogs) must be submitted in the Standard Form in Excel. 

Click the figure (right) to enlarge the Form image.

Click here to download the Excel file: 

The items requested to write in this table may be copied from the List of Sites Descriptions.
These items of information are used for sorting and rearranging the sites to make various WTSP Indexes. 


The arrangement of sites in this table is irrelevant in usual cases of making World WTSP Catalogs, because many sites submitted by other Teams will be integrated together and all the sites are sorted and rearranged in various ways.  (If you want to make your Team's own WTSP Catalog (e.g., Country WTSP Catalog, Methodology WTSP Catalog, etc.), you may manually arrange the sites and specify to skip rearranging the sites.)

The Site code is important to link the site in the Index Table to the site description in the List of Sites Descriptions.  It should have the form "XX-###", where XX represent the Team (or the List) (in 2-3 characters) and ### represents the numbering (in 2-3 characters).  File name should not be used explicitly in the Site code (because it will be specified later in (e) or (f).

Four viewing aspects are to be specified for rearranging the sites (in the World WTSP Catalogs).  They are Site location, Site language, Role of the site, and Evaluation.  Each of them should have only one answer, even though multiple answers are allowed in the site description in (a).  Please select one representative value for each aspect, in order to list a Web site only once in a World WTSP Catalog.  Single-line description of site is desirable to illustrate the site in the Index.  The existence or not of Description of introduction is shown briefly with Y/N in the Index Table (and in the Index).

(c) List of Sites Descriptions File (.pdf)

The .docx file(s) of List of Sites Descriptions are to be converted (and combined) into a .pdf file.  The file name of the .pdf file should contain the Team name XX, for distinguishing it from the files of other Teams.  In the .pdf file, the Site code (XX-###) must be set as the anchor point just in front of the site description of the site XX-###. 

(d) WTSP Index File (with Rearranged Index Table of Sites) (.pdf)

The Index Table of Sites in the Excel (.xlsx) file may (or may not) be sorted/rearranged with the Excel commands in some hierarchical manner corresponding to the intention of the (World or Country) WTSP Catalog.  Then the Excel file is output in PDF (to convert it into a .pdf file) to obtain the WTSP Index.  The Index file is a simple list of Web sites categorized and rearranged with some intention (of the World WTSP Catalog). 

In the .pdf file, we should attach to the Site code of each site (XX-###) the hyperlink to (the anchor point of) the site description.  The hyperlink contains the file name of the List of Sites Description file (.pdf). 

(e)  Check the Team's WTSP Catalog and submit the files (b) and (c):

Now the .pdf files (d) and (c) form the Team's WTSP Catalog, which is a part/prototype of (Interactive Edition of) a World WTSP Catalog.  Please check if it is made properly and works well.  (While pressing the CNTL key) click the Site code of every site to check if it displays the hyperlinked proper Site description. 

After checking like this, please submit (b) the Index Table of Sites file (.xlsx) and (c) the List of Sites Descriptions file (.pdf) to the WTSP Bitrix24 Platform (or Project Leader). 

(f) Building various World WTSP Catalogs

The files submitted by many WTSP Teams will be integrated and used to build various types of World WTSP Catalogs.   The World WTSP Catalogs have the structure of Interactive Edition as shown in Section 6. 

In this process there is one problem left, i.e., the duplication of same sites (and of subsidiary sites) submitted by different Teams.  By sorting all the sites, we may find such duplications.  Then, checking such duplicated descriptions we may assign a Team responsible for integrating the duplicated descriptions into one to be shown in the World WTSP Catalogs.  For some big sites or a group of sites (e.g., Wikipedia, amazon, ETRIA TFCs, etc.) we may need some special arrangement.

As the results of all these processes, we will be able to complete a set of Interactive Editions of World WTSP Catalogs, i.e., a system made of a few World WTSP Indexes (.pdf) and a common set of many Lists of Sites Descriptions (.pdf) contributed by many WTSP Teams over the world.  
It is expected that revising and updating the whole system is relatively easy because the Sites Descriptions may be revised and updated independently in parallel without handling the system itself. 

-- This reflects our TRIZ Principles that proper division of tasks and proper division of systems make our collaboration fruitful to integrate many TRIZ-related Web sites connected and accessible.


  Concluding Remarks:  What is most crucial for the success of WTSP?

As described so far, the WTSP project has been working step by step. 
Even though we are behind the planned time schedule, we will be able to complete the First Edition of World WTSP Catalogs (2019) in the practical process as described in the previous section. 

For achieving this goal, what is most crucial?

The crucial issue for the success of WTSP is the Team formation in each country
Dividing the whole WTSP tasks into smaller ones to carry out individually and in parallel can be done rather easily. 
Coordinating the tasks, especially coordinating people, is most important and delicate.

A flat organization with 100 persons scattering in the world can't work smoothly.      
WTSP Team in each country usually means several to ten members with one coordinator. 
This is a reasonable size for good communication and collaboration when they have one coordinator.

Thus getting Country Editors in all the countries is most crucial for the success of the WTSP project. 
Since we are working on voluntary basis, we eagerly wish some TRIZ colleagues would volunteer to play the role of Country Editors in their countries.

As the Project Leader, Nakagawa sent emails from time to time to groups of TRIZ Colleagues in individual countries for urging to form WTSP Teams and to assign Country Editors.  But he received not much responses so far, to our pity.

In two important countries, Russia and USA, the situations are really crucial. 
Corresponding to the size and importance of the TRIZ-related activities there, we need to have 20 to 30 WTSP Members each and hence we need multiple Country Editors who work jointly in these countries (or rather regions). 
We wish many TRIZ leaders/colleagues join and collaborate for achieving the WTSP aims.

We know that many TRIZ leaders/colleagues in Russia (or Russian Region, or Russian speaking people) are working in collaboration in MATRIZ and also TRIZ leaders/colleagues in USA are working in collaboration in Altshuller Institute. 
We wish those people working in the two international organizations would support the WTSP project and join us as voluntary members.
In this sense ETRIA has been supporting the WTSP project, though not officially, since the beginning and many TRIZ leader/colleagues voluntarily join WTSP, to our thanks.

We regret that we can't show a prototype/manuscript of the World WTSP Catalog yet at the present stage.

We are sure, however, that the WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the world will serve many people inside and outside of TRIZ and to proliferate TRIZ and related methodologies further.

Let's work Together ! Connected !! 



Top of this page

Practical Approaches


Forming Teams

List of Sites

Describing individual sites

Country Catalogs

World Catalogs

Summary of Requests



Short Summary

Japanese page (Short Summary)


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(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version)

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(B2) WTSP News 2018

(B3) WTSP News 2019 (B4) WTSP News 2020  

WTSP Appeal (Jun. 2018)

WTSP Paper (1) ETRIA TFC2018

WTSP Paper (2) ETRIA TFC2019

Summary slides (TFC 2019)

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Last updated on Apr. 2, 2020..     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp