Editorial:  Site introduction for the WTSP Catalogs

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (『TRIZホームページ』)

Site Introduction (Features and Selected articles):
For the WTSP Catalogs (World TRIZ-related Sites Project)

Toru Nakagawa (Editor of TRIZ Home Page in Japan; Professor Emeritus of Osaka Gakuin University)

Feb. 12, 2020

Posted:  Feb. 13, 2020

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.


  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 28, 2020)     

Here I introduce the features and selected articles of this site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  This intends to be a manuscript of detailed site introduction for the WTSP Catalogs. .

We started the WTSP Project (World TRIZ-related Sites Project) in Dec. 2017.  After nearly 2 years of the project, we built up the first edition of the World TRIZ-related Sites Catalogs last October.  We presented the work at ETRIA TFC2018 and publicly posted the whole WTSP Catalogs in this Web site.  In particular, "(A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (◎○)" and "(C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (◎○)" are important and useful information sources.

We have already established the way to build the WTSP Catalogs and introduced a fairly large portion of world-level important sites, even though briefly for each site. It is our important goal for the third year of the project to get higher evaluation (by professionals as well as beginners) that our WTSP Catalogs are much more useful than ordinary internet surveys because of well-selected sites with fair and close introductions for each. We are planning to present the WTSP Catalogs in October at ETRIA TFC2020.

In order to achieve the goal, for the important/useful sites selected at the world level, we should closely describe the introductions of their valuable information in fair and positive attitude.  We may have 4 levels of closeness in such descriptions:

(1) Single line in the Index table of the WTSP Catalogs: 
Including: Site name, Domain URL, Country, Language, Roles, Application fields, Single-line description (of nature, purpose, features, etc.).  Brief description for each item, but slightly more detailed than ordinary lists of links.  ---  Description in the Index tables of the WTSP Catalogs.

(2) Site Description in the Standard Format (about 1 page of A4 size): 
Description (1) + Slightly closer descriptions of roles, fields, methods, etc. +  Free-format introduction (about 5 to 10 lines) + (optional) Remarkable features and articles. --- Required contents for every site in the WTSP Catalogs.

(3) Close introduction of the site in free format (about 2-5 pages of A4): 
Describe remarkable features and articles. Introduce important/useful articles briefly and attach hyperlinks to them. --- Optional for ordinary sites (□△)but requested for world important sites (◎○)in the WTSP Catalogs,

(4) Indexes, overviews, abstracts, introductions, etc. in the site: 
Also body of articles and information descriptions.  --- These are the contents of the site itself, in which WTSP Catalogs are not involved.

The WTSP Catalogs use so far the descriptions (1) and (2), mentioned above, as standards.  However, for the sites important and useful in the world, the standard site descriptions (2) in one page of A4 are too brief to introduce their really useful articles (together with hyperlinks).  Thus we have decided to actively introduce the closer descriptions (3).   Closer introductions of globally-important sites (of evaluations ◎○) will make the WTSP Catalogs more useful and attractive for users, and also enhance the power of information sending of individual sites.

For my own site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", I reviewed my description (2) and tried to make a new description (3).  This site has a history of 21 years and contains about 1400 HTML articles in Japanese and about 1100 HTML articles in English.  While keeping limitaion in the number of articles, I have selected about 160 articles (written by many people in Japan and overseas, as well as by myself).

I have grouped the selected articles firstly in the time period and then in the themes of my own research interests and further in the activities in Japan and in the world. 

Note:  Probalbly most site owners will describe their site introduction categorizing mainly by their activities, themes, methods, etc., without mentioning much about their historical changes. You may choose your own style and categorization depending on the nature of your site and activities. 


Table of contents of Introduction to this site: "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":

(1) Features:

History, Editor, Purpose, Fields/types/scopes of articles, Special features (Parallel in Japanese and in English, Methods for accessing articles)

(2) Selected Articles:

(a) Introducing TRIZ   (1997〜2001)

(b) Introducing USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking)  (1998 - 2001)

(c) Extending USIT  (USIT Operator System)  (2002 - 2003)

(d) Absorbing Modernized TRIZ (Attending at international conferences, Darrell Mann's Systematic Innovation) (2001 - 2004)

(e) Finding 'Six-Box Scheme: A new paradigm of creative problem solving' through USIT studies (2003 - 2006)

(f) Launch and Activities of Japan TRIZ Society and Japan TRIZ Symposia (2005 - 2008)

(g) Education with TRIZ / USIT  (Educational achievements at Osaka Gakuin University) (2000 - 2012)

(h) Activities of Japan TRIZ Society and extension of international communications (2009 - 2012)

(i) Proposal of "General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving" based on the Six-Box Scheme (2012 - 2016)

(j) Various topics of communications, issues, and interests in wider scopes (2011 - 2019)

(k) Applying CrePS/TRIZ to Social Issues, and Having realized the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2015 - 2019)

(l) Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (WTSP Project)  (Dec, 2017 - present)


Top of this page


a. Itroducing TRIZ

b. Introducing USIT

c. Extending USIT

d. Modern TRIZ

e. Six-Box Scheme

f. Japan TRIZ Society

g. Education

h. Activities of JTS

i. CrePS

j. Various topics

k. Social issues



Japanese page



Site Introduction of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":  Features and Selected Articles

Toru Nakagawa, Editor        Feb. 12 , 2020


  (1) Features:


Established the site in Japanese on Nov. 1, 1998, and in English on Nov. 15, 1998
For these 21 years since then, the site has been updated and enhanced continuously with unfixed time interval of about 2 to 4 weeks.
Currently the site contains about 1400 HTML pages in Japanese and about 1100 HTML pages in English.


Toru Nakagawa has been editing and operating the whole site for himself.
Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin University (1998 - 2012), Professor Emeritus (2012 - ).


To serve as an open forum of information exchange for better understanding and usage of Creative Problem Solving Methodologies, especially based in Japan. 
It is not a private but not-for-profit public Web site.
Information and articles are posted publicly thanks to the contributions from experts and users in Japan and overseas, in addition to the Editor's own works.

Fields / types / scopes of articles:

This site initially intended to introduce and proliferate TRIZ, but later soon in parallel to the modernization of TRIZ, the site has been involved in various TRIZ-related methodologies and their applications.
The site involves widely in research, education, practice, proliferation, promotion, etc.
It contains various type of articles, such as papers, intorductory articles, application/promotion case studies, conference reports, collections of links, communications from readers, etc.

Special features (a): Parallel in Japanese and in English

We aim at sharing information globally, by posting articles both in Japanese and in English in parallel with bi-directional translation.

Top page in Japanese: URL: http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/    
Top page in English:   URL:  http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/      

Papers and articles in English are translated into Japanese to post in this Web site. (The original English editions may be posted only under the permission by the authors or copyright holders.)
Papers and articles by the Editor himself and by other Japanese authors are posted in Japanese and, as much as possible, in English translation for sending information globally.
In each page/article, you may easily switch between Japanese and English pages.

Special features (b) Methods for accessing articles

Bibliographic information is recorded clearly in every article, and various methods are provided for accessing articles, such as categorization, indexing, and cross references.

Bibliographic information (including titles, authors, translators, editors, source reference, and posting/updating dates), editor's note, and reference links to preceeding/relevant articles (in or out of our own sites) are shown explicitly in every article/page.

Table of contents of all the articles in their chronological order of posting is provided, where titles, bibliographic information, and abstracts are always shown. 

Special categorized tables of contents of all the articles are provided.  Articles are categorized hierarchically in 3 levels, and articles in the third-level category are arranged in the chronological order, latest at the top.
The 3 categories at the main-level are as follows:
References  :  bibliographic references, collections of links, news, activities, software tools, etc.
Papers : Papers, case studies, technical reports, introductory articles, teaching materials, methodological documents, etc.
Forum : Conference reports, book reviews, communications, discussions, etc.

4 Entrance Pages are provided for guiding readers to readable/useful articles depending on the readers situations and interests.  Articles suitable for each type of readers are sellected and categorized with brief introductions.
     (for Children and Highschool students)   Let's enjoy 'Think & Try' !   
     (for Students and the General public)      For solving problems creatively 
     (for Engineers and Reserachers novice to TRIZ)  Methods of creative problem solving 
     (for Practitioners and Experts)  Practices and methodologies of creative  problem solving 

Keyword search of articles inside the site is also provided.
Search for Japanese pages ;  Search for English pages


 (2) Selected Articles

The articles are shown here according to the time period, principally, and to the research themes of the Editor, and to the activities in Japan and in the world.
The titles of the articles are sometimes abbreviated.
In cases where authors or translators are not shown, Toru Nakagawa is the author/translator.
Sometimes Nakagawa's articles are refered only to presentations givien at international conferences, but they are usually presented also in domestic conferences in Japan in more or less same contents.


(a) Introducing TRIZ   (1997〜2001)

I encountered TRIZ for the first time in May 1997, and learned it through "Nikkei Mechanical Journal" and at users seminars organized by Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) (led by Masatoshi Hotta).
I tried to introduce TRIZ into Fujitsu Labs for less than a year, and in Apr. 1998 I moved to Osaka Gakuin University as a professor.
When I started this site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in Nov. 1998, I posted the following 2 articles among others:

Introductory: 'TRIZ - Understanding and Introducing It', (Bulletin of Cultural and Natural Sciences in OGU)  (Nov. 1998).

Introduction & Manual: 'TRIZ Software Tool (TechOptimizer 2.5): Mechanism, Usage, and Methodology Learning', (first written in Fujitsu, Jan.-Feb. 1998)  (Nov. 1998).
(This software tool from Invention Machine was very helpful for me to learn TRIZ in my initial stage.)

In USA, the first conference on TRIZ was held in Nov. 1998, and then TRIZCON99 in Mar. 1999.
I attended at both of them, and wrote conference reports in Japanese and posted in this site. (But I skip them here for the sake of space limitation.)

In Aug. 1999, I made a trip to Russia and Belarus for visiting a number of TRIZ groups there for 2 weeks.  I wrote and posted the Trip report:

Forum: 'Report of a personal trip to TRIZ mother countries (Russia & Belarus, Aug. 1999)',  (Aug. 1999).

Yuri Slamatov's TRIZ textbook was published in English translation by Valeri Souchkov, with the title of "TRIZ: The Right Solution at the Right Time".  I translated it into Japanese, together with the TRIZ team of MRI, and published the book through Nikkei BP as follows:
(Valeri Souchkov was very kind of responding to our questions on the texts.)

Textbook: "TRIZ Series Vol. 5: TRIZ Philosophy: The Heart of Creative Problem Solving", (Author: Yuri Salamatov, Japanese translation: Toru Nakagawa & MRI, Published: Nikkei BP, Nov. 2000).
Introduction: 'Salamatov's TRIZ Textbook: Japanese edition and Q&A on the English edition',  (Nov. 2000)

During the trip to Russia, Natalia Rubina gave me the full set of her teaching material of "CID Course (Creative Imagination Development) for Children".  In Tokyo, I asked Dr. Irina Dolina to translate the material into English, and posted the English version in my Web site.
It was our big question and surprise how the author could teach TRIZ ideas to children, which are difficujlt to understand even for engineers.

Teaching material:  "Course of Creative Imagination (CID) based on TRIZ: Methodical Guide-books and Children Workbooks for three grades", (Author: Natalia Rubina, English translation: Irina Dolina, Posted in TRIZ Home Page in Japan)  (Jan. 2001 - Feb. 2002).
(For children of 1st to 3rd grade in primary school; 2 semesters for each grade; 6 volumes in total.)


(b) Introducing USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking)  (1998 - 2001)

At the TRIZ Conference in Nov. 1998, I attended at the presentation by Ed Sickafus, and later learned his USIT textbook with much interest.
Right after TRIZCON99 in Mar. 1999, I attended his 3-day USIT training workshop.
The workshop was given with cycles of lectures and practice of solving problems, which were brought in by the participants; and I mastered USIT during the 3 days. 
I translated Sickafus' two papers at the conferences and wrote about his USIT workshop and the 2 case studies I solved with USIT during the workshop. 

Report: 'USIT Training Seminar (Instructor: Ed Sickafus, Mar. 10-12, 1999)',   (Mar.1999).
(These articles were the first introduction and case studies reported/publicized outside Ford Motor Co.)

I was fascinated by the simplicity and clarity of USIT, and started my 3-day USIT training workshops in open participation and in some companies.  
The open-participation workshops were organized by MRI and attended by industry people of MRI's users group companies.
(Several years later they were organized by IDEA Co. in place of MRI.)


At the stage of (a)(b), I gave presentations of my understanding and my strategy of introducing TRIZ/USIT as follows:

Paper: 'Approaches to Application of TRIZ in Japan' (TRIZCON2000) ) (May 2000).

Paper (Part): 'Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words' (May 2001)  (May 2001.).
(See the figure below.  Reflects my understanding mostly based on Salamatov's textbook.)

Paper: 'Learning and Applying the Essence of TRIZ with Easier USIT Procedure' (ETRIA TFC 2001)  (Nov. 2001).

Paper: 'Introduction to TRIZ: A Technological Philosophy for Creative Problem Solving' (Japan Creativity Society Conference 2001)  (Nov. 2001).


(c) Extending USIT (USIT Operator System)  (2002 - 2003)

Through the trainings and applications of USIT, some groups of TRIZ users in Japan got better understanding of USIT.
In the meantime, an idea was born to reorganize and unify various TRIZ methods for idea generation and to implement them into the idea generation stage of USIT.
Hideaki Kosha first tried to reorganize TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles, and I took over the work to reorganize all the TRIZ methods (including 76 Inventive Standards and Trends of evolution of technical systems) as well as Sickafus' 21 Heuristics.
We called the resultant method as USIT Operator System.

Paper: 'Reorganizing TRIZ Solution Generation Methods into Simple Five in USIT' (Toru Nakagawa, Hideaki Kosha, Yuji Mihara, ETRIA TFC 2002)   (Nov. 2002).

Paper: 'Usage of USIT Solution Generation Methods: A Simple and Unified System of TRIZ' (Toru Nakagawa, Hideaki Kosha, Yuji Mihara, TRIZCON2003)  (Jan. 2003), (Apr. 2003). 


(d) Absorbing Modernized TRIZ (Attending at international conferences, Darrell Mann's Systematic Innovation) (2001 - 2004)

TRIZ community in the world were active in this period.
In USA, Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies held TRIZCON every spring (since 1999),
in Europe, ETRIA (European TRIZ Association) held TFC (TRIZ Futre Conference) every autumn (since 2001),
and the TRIZ Journal, a public Web site, actively posted several papers every month.
In Japan, MRI organized IM users group and held monthly seminars and yearly User Group Meetings.

I attended and gave presentations at these international TRIZ conferences every time (except for TRIZCON2002) and wrote reports of conference papers. 
The conference reports were written initially in Japanese ( for Japanese people), but on receiving requests from overseas readers, I later wrote them mainly in English and briefly in Japanese.
I tried to read all the papers of each conference and described good papers closely enough to understand the essence of the contents.
Instead of flat description, I tried to write my own reviews with evaluation, and hence I called it 'Personal Report' of conferences. 
Such reports are useful not only for readers but also for myself to understand the leading edge of TRIZ research in the world.

Conference: 'Personal Report: TRIZCON2001 (Mar. 25-27, 2001, near Los Angeles)' (briefly) , (detailed) (Apr. 2001).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2001 (Nov. 7-9, 2001, Bath (UK))', (detailed) (Nov. 2001)

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2002 (Nov. 6-8, 2002, Strasbourg (France))' (detailed)  (Dec. 2002).

Conference: 'Personal Report: TRIZCON2003 (Mar. 16-18, 2003, Philadelphia)' (briefly)  , (detailed)  (Apr. 2003).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2003 (Nov. 12-14, 2003, Aachen (Germany))' (detailed)  (Dec. 2003).

Conference: 'Personal Report: TRIZCON2004 (Apr. 25-27, 2004, Seattle)' (briefly)  , (detailed)  (May 2004).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2004 (Nov. 3-5, 2004, Florence), (briefly) , (detailed)  (Dec. 2004).

In 2002, Darrell Mann published "Hands-On Systematic Innovation", where TRIZ concepts are explained plainly and are connected with various other methods around TRIZ.
I translated the book into Japanese with the help of 16 members from MRI users group, and published the Japanese edition in Jun. 2004.

While our translation work, Darrell Mann and Simon Dewulf of CREAX reported on a big reseaech project, which formed the basis of Mann's textbook.
They analyzed all the US patents granted since 1985 (and also world patents and science & technology references, later) and tried to fully update various TRIZ knowledge bases. 
I translated their papers into Japanese and posted in my Web site, as an excellent work of modernizing TRIZ.

Paper: 'Updating TRIZ: 1985-2002 Patent Research Findings' (Darrell Mann, Simon Dewulf, TRIZCON2003)  (Apr. 2003).

Paper: 'Updating the Contradiction Matrix' (Darrell Mann, Simon Dewulf, TRIZCON2003)   (Apr. 2003).

Paper: 'Comparing the Classical and New Contradiction Matrix: Part 2', (Darrell Mann, TRIZ Journal, Jul. 2004),  (Apr. 2005).

Textbook: 'Japanese Edition of Darrell Mann's "Hands-On Systematic Innovation"', "TRIZ  Practices and Benefits. Vol. 1. Systematic Technological Innovation" (Japanese translation: Toru Nakagawa and a group of 16 members, Published: SKI, Jun. 2004);
'Publication Announcement and Q&A Documents'  (Jun. 2004).

Book: 'Japanese Edition of "Matrix 2003" written by Darrell Mann, Simon Dewulf, Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman', "TRIZ Practice and Benefits. Vol. 2. New Contradiction Matrix (Matrix 2003)" (Published: SKI, Apr. 2005);
'Publication Announcement and Q&A Documents', (Apr. 2005)

Lecture: 'Hands-On Systematic Innovation: Evolving the World's Most Powerful Creativity & Innovation Processes' (Darell Mann, Publication Celebration Seminar, Kyoto and Tokyo, Sept. 2004), (Oct. 2004).

Their research project inherited Altshuller's spirits and methods to analyze world patents for building the contradicition matrix, by using PC and software tools. 
Their new matrix, Matrix 2003, uses 48 parameters for easier characterization of contradictory problems and suggests more appropriate inventive principles than the traditional contradiction matrix.

[Note:  It is surprisingly odd that many 'TRIZ specialists' in the world are insistent to use, still at present in 2020, the Altshuller's matrix (built early 1970s).  They seem not understand Altshuller's spirits, I think.]

Among many papers presented in this time period, I paid much attention to the following ones:

Paper: 'Practical Case Study of Resolving the Physical Contradiction in TRIZ; Super Water-Saving Toilet System Using Flexible Tube' (Hong Suk Lee, Kyeong-Won Lee, TRIZ Journal, Nov. 2003; Japanese translation: Eiji Fukuzawa, Toru Nakagawa)  (Jan. 2004)

Case Study: 'TRIZ in Panasonic Communications: Promotion and Case Study' (Kazuya Yamaguchi, Narumi Nagase, Japan IM User Group Meeting 2003, Sept. 2003)  (Nov. 2003).

I gave an introductory overview talk on TRIZ/USIT at JAIST in Japan:

Paper: 'Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation: TRIZ/USIT: Its Philosophy, Methods, Knowledge Bases, and Software Tools', (Symposium on Knowledge Creation Suppor Systems, Feb. 27-28. 2004, JAIST)  (Mar. 2004)


(e) Finding 'Six-Box Scheme: A new paradigm of creative problem solving' through USIT studies (2003 - 2006)

Our understanding of USIT has made much progress through various chances, such as open/in-company USIT training workshops, applications of USIT in industries and universities.

Subscribing Sickafus' USIT News Letters was also helpful, and we posted many of them in Japanese translation. 

Sickafus: 'USIT News Letters and Mini Lectures' (Ed Sickafus, USIT News Letters, Nov. 2003 to Mar. 2009; Japanese translation: Hideaki Kosha, Toru Nakagawa)  (Jan. 2003 - Jul. 2004; Jan.-Apr., 2013).

eBook: "Overview of USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking)", (Ed Sickafus, USIT HP, 2001; Japanese translation: Keishi Kawamo, Shigeomi Koshimizu, Toru Nakagawa)   (Oct. 2004).

When I converted the expression of the USIT process from ordinary flowchart into data-flow diagarm, I have found a big discovery
It is a basic scheme, named as 'Six-Box Scheme' and shown in the slide below.

I recognized it to be "A new paragdigm of creative problem solving".
It can resolve the difficulties in overall processes of TRIZ (such as ARIZ and Mann's overall scheme); i.e., being difficult to understand, complex with multiple parallel passes, and confusing with many different versions proposed by different specialists.
The Six-Box Scheme can overcome the ambiguity in the 'Four-Box Scheme of Abstraction', which is widely accepted as the current orthodox paradigm in science and technology, I understood.

Paper: 'USIT Operators for Solution Generation in TRIZ: Clearer Guide to Solution Paths', (ETRIA TFC 2004)  (Oct. 2004).

Paper: 'Overall Dataflow Structure for Creative Problem Solving in TRIZ/USIT' (TRIZCON2005) (Mar. 2005).

Paper: 'A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving: Six-Box Scheme in USIT' (ETRIA TFC 2006)  (Nov. 2006).



(f) Launch and Activities of Japan TRIZ Society and Japan TRIZ Symposia (2005 - 2008)

A movement has started to establish a nation-wide center for promoting TRIZ in cooperation with industry and university users and consulting firms.
In 2004 we had informal meetings of leaders, and in 2005 we started 'Japan TRIZ-CB' (Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan).
It was offcially approved by Tokyo Metropolitan Government in Dec. 2007 as NPO Japan TRIZ Society (JTS).  Toshihiro Hayashi from Hitachi led these organizations.

Their main activities were to hold Japan TRIZ Symposium every year around early September.  I served as the Program Chairperson of the Symposium every year since its start in 2005.

Official page: "Official Page of Japan TRIZ CB (Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promotors and Users in Japan)", (Feb. 2005 - Dec. 2007)     (Feb. 2005 - Dec. 2009).

[Note (Feb. 8, 2020):   Japan TRIZ CB requested Nakagawa to operate and maintain its Official Web site inside TRIZ Home Page in Japan. The site is still accessible as it was. ]

Japan TRIZ Symposium set its policy as 'Primarily national, and partially (as much as possible) international".
During the presentation (either in Japanese or in English), slides in Japanese and slides in English were projected in parallel.
The plans and the reports of Symposia were officially posted in the Home pages of Japan TRIZ CB and Japan TRIZ Society.
The Symposia received the participants:  157 (in 2005)、157 (in 2006), 204 (in 2007), and 180 (in 2008),
Many papers were presented on activities, application methods, case studies, etc by industories, universities, and consulting firms in Japan.
I wrote 'Personal Reports' of these Symposia to introduce and review (almost) all presentations every year.  They are:

Conference: 'Personal Report: 1st Japan TRIZ Symposium 2005 (Sept. 1-3, 2005, Shuzenji)', (briefly) , (detailed)  (Oct. 2005).

Conference: 'Personal Report: 2nd Japan TRIZ Symposium 2006 (Aug. 31 -Sept. 2, 2006, Suita)', (briefly) , (detailed)  (Nov. 2006).

Conference: 'Personal Report: 3rd Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007 (Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007, Yokohama)', (briefly)  , (detailed)  (Nov. 2007).

Conference: 'Personal Report: 4th Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008 (Sept. 10-12, 2008, Moriyama)', (briefly)  , (detailed)  (Oct. 2008)

We obtained TRIZ information from overseas through keynotes and ordinary presentations at the Symposia, and through various indivisual visits and seminars. 

Keynote: 'TRIZ Critical SWOT: Systematic Innovation Today and Tomorrow' (Darrell Mann, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2005)    (Sept. 2005)

Keynote: 'A Simple Theory underlying Structured, Problem-Solving Methodologies -- ASIT, TRIZ, USIT and Others', (Ed Sickafus, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2006; Japanese translation: Keishi Kawamo, Toru Nakagawa),    (Jun. 2007).

Keynote: 'Innovation of the Integrated Product and Process Development by WOIS: Challenging Innovations by using Dialectical Pattern and Laws of Innovation', (Hans-Juergen Linde et al., Japan TRIZ Symposium 2006; Japanese translation: Mitsuzo Nakahata, Toshihiro Hayashi),    (Oct. 2006).

Lecture: 'Promotion and Application of TRIZ in Samsung Electronics' (Valery Krasnoslobodtsev, Open seminar (IDEA), Aug. 28, 2006, Tokyo),     (Nov. 2006)

Keynote: 'Variation of properties for new or improved functions' (Simon Dewulf, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007)  (Oct. 2007)

Keynote: 'Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms' (Larry Ball, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007; Japanese translation: Toshio Takahara, Toru Nakagawa)  )  (Feb. 2008).

Keynote: 'Directions for Future TRIZ Development and Applications' (Sergei Ikovenko, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008; Japanese translation: Yoshihisa Konishi),  (Sept. 2008)

Keynote: 'TRIZ Development at Intel Corporation' (Amir Roggel, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008; Japanese translation: Shinsuke Kurosawa),   (Sept. 2008).

It should be noted here that the course materials by Larry Ball were translated into Japanese and were posted in this site in a series.
Overall process and individual methods for problem solving were reorganized much and were explained very clearly.  So I paid much attention to Larry Ball's work as a form of modernized TRIZ.

Course material: "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms" (Larry Ball, TRIZ Journal, May 2005 - ; Japanese translation: Toshio Takahara, Toru Nakagawa)  (Feb. 2006 - Jul. 2007)

During this period, we had many presentations from Japanese peole (such as from industries, universites, consultants, and multi-company users groups). 
You can access them through my Personal Reports of the Symposia.
A presentation of particular interest is:

Case Study: 'Why Water Striders can stand and slide on the Water?: A Summer Homework by Son and Father with TRIZ' (Taichiro Miyanishi, Katsuya Miyanishi, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008)    (Apr. 2009).

I also wrote many conference papers and introductory articles.  In particular, I wrote 3 sereis of introductory articles in 3 different monthly journals and reposted them in this Web site.

Series of 4 articles: "Aha! the Method: TRIZ Up-to-Date" ("Nikkei Monodukuri" Journal, May - Aug. 2005)   (Jul. - Oct. 2005)

Keynote: 'A New Generation of TRIZ' (Japan TRIZ Symposium 2005), (Sept. 2005).

Series of 22 articles: "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation" ("InterLab" Journal, Jan. 2006 - Nov. 2007)  (Jan. 2006 - Nov. 2007).

Series of 5 articles: "Introduction to USIT: A Simple Method for Creative Problem Solving" ("Machine Design" Journal, Aug. - Dec. 2007)    (Jul. -Dec. 2007).

Paper: 'Extension of USIT in Japan: A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving', (Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008)  (Sept. 2008)

For the following international TRIZ conferences I also wrote my Personal Reports as closely as possible.

Conference: 'Personal Report: TRIZCON2005 (Apr. 17-19, 2005, Detroit)', (briefly)  , (detailed)   (Jun. 2005).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2005 (Nov. 16-18, 2005, Graz (Austria)) (briefly)  , (detailed)  (Jan. 2006).

Conference: 'Personal Report: TRIZCON2006 (Apr. 30 - May 2, 2006, Milwaukee)  (briefly)  , (detailed)  (Jun. 2006).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2006 (Oct. 9-11, 2006, Kortrijk (Belgium)), (briefly)  , (detailed)   (Jan. 2007).

Conference: 'Personal Report: TRIZCON2007 (Apr. 23-25, 2007, Louisville), (briefly)  , (detailed)   (Jul. 2007).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2007 (Nov. 6-8, 2007, Frankfurt am Main), (briefly)  , (detailed)   (Feb. 2008).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2008 (Nov. 5-7, 2008, Enschede (Netherlands)), (briefly)  , (detailed)   (Mar. 2009).


(g) Education with TRIZ / USIT (Educational achievements at Osaka Gakuin University) (2000 - 2012)

Faculty of Informatics started at Osaka Gakuin University in Apr. 2000.
I taught various classes in general areas such as Introduction to information science, Software engineering, etc.
With much stress among them, I taught creative thinking in various classes.
I am summarizing here my articles related to the educational activities from 2000 to my retirement in 2012.

Lecture notes, summary/reports/presentations of educational practice:

Lecture series: 'Methodologies for Creative Problem Solving (A Series of 13 Lectures) ' ("Scientific Information Methodologies" Class for the Sophomer Students of Faculty of Informatics, Oskaka Gakuin University, Oct. 2001 - Jan. 2002),  ) (Feb. - Jul. 2002)

Paper: 'Classes of 'Creative Problem Solving Thinking': Experiences at Osaka Gakuin University', (Bulletin of the Cultural and Natural Sciences in Osaka Gakuin University, Mar. 2007) , (TRIZCON2007) (May 2007).

Paper: 'Education and Training of Creative Problem Solving Thinking with TRIZ/USIT' (ETRIA TFC 2007)   (Nov. 2007)

Lecture note: 'How to Prepare and Write Reports: Preparation of the Contents, Building the Structure, and then Writing Sentences', (Communications of Osaka Gakuin University, Sept. 2010) Oct. 2010).

Lecture: 'Education with TRIZ: For New Perspectives' (Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010),   (Dec. 2010).

Lecture series: 'Methodologies of Creative Problem Solving (A Series of 14 Lectures)' ("Scientific Information Methodologies" Class for the Sophomer Students of Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin University, Oct. 2010 - Jan. 2011),   (Jan. 2012).  

Overview paper: 'Creative Problem-Solving Methodologies TRIZ/USIT: Overview of My 14 Years in Research, Education, and Promotion' (Bulletin of the Cultural and Natural Sciences in Osaka Gakuin University, Mar. 2012)    (Mar. 2012).

Information letter: 'TRIZ Activities at OGU: Research, Education, Application, and Proliferation', (presented to an European organization, Mar. 2017) (Apr. 2017).

Presentations of Case Studies made at seminar classes and students thesis works in OGU

Case study paper: 'How to Prevent Unauthorized Persons from Entering the Auto-locking Door of Apartment Building: Applying TRIZ/USIT to A Social & Technical Problem' (Toru Nakagawa, Arata Fujita, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007)  (Sept. 2007); (ETRIA TFC 2008)  (Mar. 2009).

Case study paper: 'How to Prevent Cords and Cables from Getting Entangled: A Study of Systematic Classification of Various Solutions', (Toru Nakagawa, Tomoyuki Itoh, and Masanobu Tsukamoto, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009) (ETRIA TFC 2009)  (Nov. 2009).

Forum:  'Teaching Practices: Nakagawa's Seminar Class of 1st-year Students for Learning with "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey', (A Collection of Students' Reports of the Seminar Classes IB at OGU, Jan. 2010, Feb. 2011, Mar. 2012)  (Jan. 2010, Mar. 2011, Mar. 2012)

Forum: 'Toru Nakagawa's Mission Statement', (A Collection of Students' Reports of the Seminar Classes IB at OGU, Jan. 2010) ) (Jan. 2010).

Case study paper: 'A Large Variety of Writing Instruments: Studying the Evolution of Technologies in Familiar Items', (Kurumi Nakatani, Toru Nakagawa, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010) ,  (Toru Nakagawa, Kurumi Nakatani, ETRIA TFC 2010) (Nov. 2010).

Case study paper: 'Problem Solving in Everyday Life: On Methods and Tools for Weeding (or Removing Weeds)', (Takahisa Miyake, Toru Nakagawa, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2011), (Toru Nakagawa, Takahisa Miyake, ETRIA TFC 2011)  (Nov. 2011)


(h) Activities of Japan TRIZ Society and extension of international communications (2009 - 2012)

During this period the activities of Japan TRIZ Society (JTS), especially through Japan TRIZ Symposia, extended smoothly and steadily.
Japan TRIZ Symposia got international reputation, in the form of presentations by overseas authors (besides invited people) and a few tens of participants from abroad.

Conference: 'Personal Report: Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009 (Sept. 10-12, 2009, Saitama), (briefly)  (detailed)   (Nov. 2009 - Mar. 2010).

Conference: 'Personal Report: Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 (Sept. 9-11, 2010, Atsugi)', (briefly)  (detailed)  (Oct. 2010 - Sept. 2011).

Conference: 'Personal Report: Japan TRIZ Symposium 2011 (Sept. 8-10, 2011, Yokohama)', (briefly)  (briefly)  (Oct. 2011)

Conference: '(Official report) Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012 (Sept. 6-8, 2012, Tokyo)', (Official page of Japan TRIZ Society, Nov. 2012)  (Nov. 2012).

Paper: 'TRIZ and innovation culture at Samsung Electro-Mechanics Company' (SeHo Cheong, Vasily A. Lenyashin, et al., Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008),  (Jul. 2009).

Keynote: 'TRIZ: Necessary But Not Sufficient: Customers and Theories of Everything', (Darrell Mann, Japanese translation: Yoshihisa Konishi, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009 (Sept. 10-12, 2009, Saitama)),  (Apr. 2010).

Keynote: 'Use of TRIZ for Prediction of the Future of Technological Systems', (Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman, Japanese translation: Shinsuke Kurosawa, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009 (Sept. 10-12, 2009, Saitama),    (Jun. 2010).

Paper: 'TRIZ Activities in Korea and Its Success Factors until 2009', (KyeongWon Lee, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009),  (Jul. 2010).

Paper: 'The Role of TRIZ in the System of Monozukuri Solution Methods' (Osamu Kumasaka, Fumiko Kikuchi, Akio Fukushima, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009),   (Jul. 2010).

Paper: 'TRIZ for Managers: Approach and Management Using Scientific Methods', (Kazuya Yamaguchi, English translation: Yoshihisa Konishi, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010),   (Dec. 2010).

Keynote: 'TRIZ Activities in Iran: Transfer to a new nationwide paradigm by TRIZ application and promotion', (Mahmoud Karimi and Sara Salimi. Japanese translation: Hiroshi Sakata, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 (Sept. 9-11, 2010, Atsugi)),  (Sept. 2011)

Keynote: 'General Theory on Powerful Thinking (OTSM): Digest of Evolution, Theoretical Background, Tools for Practice and Some Domain of Application', (Nikolai Khomenko, Japanese translation: Shinsuke Kurosawa, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 (Sept. 9-11, 2010, Saitama)),  (Sept. 2011).

Forum: 'The TRIZ Situations in China', (Xian-yong Zhou, Oct. 2011)  (Nov. 2011).

At ETRIA TFCs I participated and gave presentations every year, but I was too busy to write 'Personal Reports' of them.

On the basis of such international communications, I had chances to be invited to TRIZ conferences in some Asian countries.

Keynote: 'Creative Problem-Solving Methodologies TRIZ/USIT: Overview of My 15 Years in Research, Education, and Promotion' (Malaysian TRIZ Conference 2012 (Nov. 6-9, 2012, Malaysia),  (Dec. 2012).

Keynote: 'Malaysia TRIZ and its strategies', (TS Yeoh, (Malaysian TRIZ Conference 2012 (Nov. 6-9, 2012, Malaysia)),  (Apr. 2013).

Keynote: 'TRIZ in Japan', (PSST 2012 (Conf. on Poblem Solving Strategy and Techniques) (Feb. 22-23, 2012, Tehran)),  (Mar. 2012).

On a request from Japan Standards Association, JTS contributed 7 papers to the special issue on TRIZ of their official monthly journal "Standardization and Quality Control"; such papers were newly written by 8 JTS members.

Introductory 7 articles: "Solving Problems and Achieving Tasks with TRIZ!! Perspectives and Applications of TRIZ", (Toshihiro Hayashi, Manabu Sawaguchi, Toru Nakagawa, Setsuo Arita, Kazushi Tsuwako, Keiji Inoue, Kimihiko Hasegawa, and Teruyuki Kamimura, "Standardization and Quality Control", Feb. 2013),   (Feb.-May 2013).

During this period, together with 4 TRIZ colleagues I worked to translate Umakant Mishra's book into Japanese, as a preparation for publishing the Japanese edition.

Forum: 'Japanese Translation Project of Umakant Mishra's IT & TRIZ Book (3) Japanese Edition Completed!! Will Be Published Soon', (Toru Nakagawa, Masatoshi Hotta, Aug. 2011)  (Aug.-Sept. 2011).


I retired from Osaka Gakuin University by the end of Mar. 2012 according to the university's regulation. 
To my pleasure, I was given the status of Professor Emeritus and has been allowed to use the university's email address and university's Web server for "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in the same way as before. 
So I continued to work at home just as before in the field of TRIZ, without coming to the university for classes any longer. 

However, in Nov. 2012, to our surprise, the Board of Japan TRIZ Society suddenly passed a motion to dismiss Toshihiro Hayashi and myself from the Board Members.
Thus by the end of December, I left the management of JTS, especially Japan TRIZ Symposium. 
The motion said the Symposium policy of 'Partly (as much as possible) international' gives too heavy burdens on the Board members.


(i) Proposal of "General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving" based on the Six-Box Scheme (2012 - 2016)

At Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012, we had a special session on the theme of "What Should We Do for TRIZ to Penetrate into Younger People?".  During its preparation, I worked on the theme by using various diagrams. 
And I found a conclusion that we should better set up our goals much larger and more general than TRIZ.

Paper: 'What Should We Do for TRIZ to Penetrate into Younger People? -- Education and Training of Problem Solving with TRIZ for Younger People --' (Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012)  (Dec. 2012).

Research note: 'From "How to penetrate TRIZ into younger people?" to the new target "Establishing general methodologies for creative problem solving/task ashiving": From May to Nov. 2012',  (Dec. 12, 2012).

And I proposed that our new goal can best be achieved on the basis of our new paradigm 'Six-Box Scheme'.  And I named the general methodology as CrePS.

Paper: 'Establishing general methodologies of creative problem-solving / task-achieving: Beyond TRIZ' (ETRIA TFC 2012)  (Dec. 2012)

Paper: 'General methodology for creative problem solving and task achieving (CrePS): Its vision', (Japan TRIZ Symposium 2013)  ; (Japan Creativity Society Conference 2013)  ; (ETRIA TFC 2013)  (Oct. 2013)

Paper: 'General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving & Task Achieving (CrePS): Reorganizing Various Application Cases and Their Methods in the 'Six-Box Scheme' ' (Japan TRIZ Symposium 2014; Japan Creativity Society Conference 2014)  ; (ETRIA TFC 2014)  (Nov. 2014).

Keynote: 'Six-Box Scheme: New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving', (International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) 2015, Jul. 15-17, 2015, Hong Kong)  (Mar. 2016).

Paper: 'USIT: A concise Process for Creative Problem Solving Based on the Paradigm of 'Six-Box Scheme' -- USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies' (Journal of Japan Creativity Society 2015) ; (ETRIA TFC 2015)  (May 2016).

Paper: 'CrePS (General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving) beyond TRIZ: What, Why, and How?' (TRIZCON2016) (Jun. 2016)

I started to record a system of documents about the General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving (CrePS), and wrote some introductory articles about it.

Documents: 'General methodology for creative problem solving and task achieving (CrePS): Systematizd Documents (Technological Areas)'  (Oct. 2013)

Documents: 'USIT Process Documents (Index): USIT Manual, USIT Operator System, USIT Case Studies, USIT References', (Jun. 2015).

Introductory: 'TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)' (in "Cyclopedia of Design Science", edited by Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Maruzen Publishing, Oct. 2019, pp. 550-555),  (Nov. 2019).

Introductory: 'Six-Box Scheme' (in "Cyclopedia of Design Science", edited by Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Maruzen Publishing, Oct. 2019, pp. 274-277),  (Nov. 2019).

During this period I wrote Personal Reports of TRIZ conferences in Japan and overseas.

Conference: 'Personal Report: Japan TRIZ Symoosium 2013 (Sept. 5-6, 2013, Tachikawa)', (briefly)  , (detailed)  (Nov. 2013).

Conference: 'Personal Report: Japan TRIZ Symposium 2014 (Sept. 11-12, 2014, Tokyo)', (briefly)  , (detailed)   (Nov. 2014).

Conference: 'Personal Report: ETRIA TFC 2016 (Oct. 24-27, 2016, Wroclaw (Poland)), (briefly)  , (detailed, all the papers)  (Feb.-Jun. 2017).

Paper: 'From Altshuller's 76 Standard Solutions to a new Set of 111 Standards', (Davide Russo, Stefano Duci; Japanese translation: Toshio Takahara, Toru Nakagawa, ETRIA TFC 2013),   (Apr. 2014).

Paper: 'TRIZ: The Development and Dissemination in Industries in China', (Runhua Tan, TRIZCON2017),  (Nov. 2017).


(j) Various topics of communications, issues, and interests in wider scopes    (2011 - 2019)

In this section,  articles of various themes and aspects somewhat different from the previous ones are collected.  The time range covers from 2011 till present.

On the disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquate (Mar. 11, 2011) (including the earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear plant accident), we received emails from many TRIZ friends overseas, to our sincere thanks. 
The following articles are related to these issues.  

From the readers: 'On the East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Power Plants: Editor's message; Messages from Overseas', (52 readers from overseas and Toru Nakagawa),  (Mar. - May 2011).

Paper: 'A Review of Japanese References on Scientists' Responsibility', (Kana Okawa, Forum on Knowledge Co-Creation (Mar. 2-3, 2013, JAIST)),  (Aug. 2013).

Forum: 'FUKUSHIMA Report: Actual Reasons why the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident could not have been avoided', (Eiichi Yamaguchi, Bulletine of Tokyo Univ. YMCA (Feb. 2013)) ; (Eiichi Yamaguchi, Morinosuke Kawaguchi, News Release (Nov. 2011)) ; (Eiichi Yamaguchi, International Symposium on Innovation Strategy (ISIS2012) (Sept. 11, 2012, UK))  (Sept.-Oct. 2013).

Forum: 'Introduction to the Research of Short-term (or Just-before) Prediction of Earthquakes by Use of Electromagnetic Phenomena: Especially Works by Professor Takumi Yoshioka', (Toru Nakagawa),  (Mar. 2015).

[Note (Jan. 31, 2020): After posting this article, I joined Earthquake Prediction Society of Japan (EPSJ) and have been participating its annual academic conference every December.
EPSJ posts their News Letter (published twice a year for their members) openly in their HP.  Some progress of academic research on earthquake prediction can be seen there (in Japanese). ]

In the pages of "Letters from Readers", a large number of communications from readers (and from myself to readers) have been posted regularly.

Following articles are of particluar interest and posted as independent pages:

Forum: Issues for TRIZ: 'The Journey So Far and the Way Forward for TRIZ', (S.Saleem Arshad, Comment: Toru Nakagawa),   (May 2010).

Forum: 'From Encountering TRIZ to Deeper Understanding (My TRIZ Learning History): Towards a Unified Methodology of Problem Solving for Resolving Various Contradictions', (Yoichi Hasegawa),  (Dec. 2011).

Forum: 'Necessity of more 'Tsukuri (Creation)' in Education in Japan in contrast to the currently overweighed 'Manabi (Learning)' ', (Kenichi Yumino, in "New Year Free Discussion with Professor Onda (Jan. 2011)", Japan Creativity Society, Jun. 2011), (Jul. 2012).

Discussion: 'Research focus is on problem finding and solution execution rather than problem solving' (Darrell Mann) / 'Thinking methods for problem solving are the basis we should establish now' (Toru Nakagawa),  (Dec. 2013).

Forum: Discussions: 'On TRIZ and Lean (and othes)' (Toru Nakagawa, Yoichi Hasegawa, Osamu Kumasaka, Toshihiro Hayashi, Masao Ishihama, Tomomi Murata, Naohiko Takayama),  (Jul. 2014).

Forum: Discussion: 'Do We Have Any Methodology of Creative Research in Academia ? Can CrePS (or the Six-box Scheme) Contribute to It ?', (A Professor, Toru Nakagawa),   (Jul.-Aug. 2016).

In 2014, I started CrePS Institute, as a sole proprietorship, and published the following 5 titles of books of Japanese Editions (in POD). 
These books were either published (in their former editions) or prepared for publication by Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI).
After SKI (M. Hotta) quitted its business, CrePS Institute and I inherited the copyrights and publication rights.

Publishing: "TRIZ Practices and Benefits. Vol. 1A. Systematic Technological Innovation: with Updated Contradiction Matrix 2010", (Author: Darrell Mann, Supervising translator: Toru Nakagawa, Translators: 16 members, Published: CrePS Institute, Feb. 2014);
'Publication announcement and some documents' (Feb.-Mar. 2014).

Publishing: "TRIZ Practices and Benefits. Vol. 2A. Matrix 2010: Re-updating the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix", (Author: Darrell Mann, Japanese translator: Toru Nakagawa, Published: CrePS Institute, Apr. 2014);
'Publication announcement and some documents' (Apr. 2014).

Publishing: "TRIZ Practices and Benefits. Vol. 3. Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms -- Illustrated Course Material from Novices to Experts", (Author: Larry Ball, Japanese translator: Toshio Takahara, Toru Nakagawa, Published: CrePS Institute, Jun. 2014);
'Publication announcement and some documents' (Jun. 2014).

Publishing: "TRIZ Practices and Benefits. Vol. 3S. Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms (for Novices) -- Illustrated Course Material", (Author: Larry Ball, Japanese translator: Toshio Takahara, Toru Nakagawa, Published: CrePS Institute, Jul. 2014);
'Publication announcement and some documents',  (Jul. 2014).

Publishing: "TRIZ Practices and Benefits. Vol. 4. Treasury of Inventive Ideas for Information Technology & Software - Classified with TRIZ Inventive Principles" (Author: Umakant Mishra, Supervising translator: Toru Nakagawa, Translators: 4 members, Published: CrePS Institute, Aug. 2014);
'Publication announcement and some documents',   (Aug. 2014).

I have been very much interested in the visual thinking (or thinking support with visual diagrams/representations), and recently mastered the follwoing two software tools.

Paper (Visual thinking): 'Red, Green, and Blue - Situational Improvement Using Southbeach', (Howard Smith, Southbeach Solutions Ltd. White paper, Jan. 2011),  (Jun. 2013).

Forum: 'Southbeach Forum on Southbeach Notation and Modelling: A Forum for Introduction, Communication, and Evaluation',   (Jun. 2013 - Apr. 2014).

Introduction (Visual thinking): 'Introduction to Visual Thinking Software 'Fuda-Yose Tool' and Its Web site 'Thinking School I' ', (Akihiro Katahira)  (Jan. 2015)

Forum: 'Visual Thinking with 'Fuda-Yose' (1) (2) (3)', (Akihiro Katahira, Toru Nakagawa),   (Jul.-Sept. 2015).

Introductory: 'Fuda-Yose Tool and Visual Thinking: Development, Operations, and Usage of the Fuda-Yose Tool and Practices of Visual Thinking with It', (Akihiro Katahira, Toru Nakagawa), (Sept. 2016). 

We posted (in 2001-2002) the English Edition of Natalia Rubina's "CID Course for Children", and we recently started to post its Japanese Edition as follows: (This translation work will take a quite long time, I am afraid.)

Education material: 'Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID) based on TRIZ: Methodical Guide-Books and Children Workbooks for Three Grades', (Author: Natalia Rubina, English translator: Irina Dolina);
Book 1: "Fairy Tales School" (1st grade, 1st semester), (Japanese translation: Toshio Takahara, Chiharu Fukuda, Toru Nakagawa),  (Feb. 2019).


(k) Applying CrePS/TRIZ to Social Issues, and Having Realized the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2015 - 2019)

Having reached the clear concept of' 'Genral Methodology of Creative Problem Solving', in the form of CrePS based on the Six-Box Scheme, I wanted to apply it to solving social issues, to which TRIZ has not been applied well so far.
A shocking criminal event of burning suicide by an old man in a running Shinkansen train (in 2015) was a trigger I started to learn the social issue of the 'low-living elderly' in Japan.

Forum: 'Visual Thinking with 'Fuda-Yose' (1) Example of Burning Suicide in Shinkansen Case', (Akihiro Katahira, Toru Nakagawa),   (Jul. 2015).

Social issue: 'Visual Thinking with 'Fuda-Yose' (4) -- Thinking over the poverty in the Japanese Society: Elderly, Middle aged, Young, and Child Generations (Index Page)'   (Sept. 2015)

Social issue: 'Thinking over the Poverty in the Japanese Society with Visualization: [A] Increasing poverty among the elderly, [1] Executive summary with visualization of Takanori Fujita's "The Low-living Elderly" Book',  (Jan.-Mar. 2016).

Social issue: 'A Customer Review of Takanori Fujita's "The Low-living Elderly" Book / A Discussion of the 82 Customer Reviews of the Book in the Amazon Site',  (Mar.-Apr. 2016).

At the root of big arguments among many ordinary reviewers of the book, I found the basic coflict between self-responsibility and social welfare.  And I further realized it to be the contradiction between 'Liberty' and 'Love', which is actually 'the Principal Contradiction between the two Principal Guiding Principles of Human Culture'.

Social issue: Working paper: 'Liberty vs. Love: The Principal Contradiction Inherent in the Human Culture: Deep Bases of Thoughts Underlying the Arguments by People on the "Low-living Elderly" Book',   (Apr. 2016).

Social issue: Paper: 'TRIZ/CrePS Approach to the Social Problems of Poverty: 'Liberty vs. Love' Is Found the Principal Contradiction of the Human Culture', (ETRIA TFC 2016),   (Nov. 2016).

Social issue: Introductory: ' 'Liberty vs. Love': The Principal Contradiction Inherent throughout the Human Culture', (Bulletin of Tokyo Univ. YMCA, Dec. 2016),   (Jan. 2017).

Paper: ' 'Liberty vs. Love': The Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2) The 'Liberty vs. Love' Contradiction and 'Ethics' at the Personal Level', ((A) Japan Creativity Socity Conference 2017; (B) Japan TRIZ Symposium 2017, (C) ETRIA TFC 2017),  (Sept. 2017, Jun. 2018).

Paper: ''Liberty vs. Love': The Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2) The 'Liberty vs. Love' Contradiction and 'Ethics' at the Personal Level' (Extended) ((D) Presented in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", Jun. 2018)  (Jun. 2018),  (Aug. 2018).

Paper: ' 'Liberty vs Love' and Ethics: Principal Contradiction of Human Culture and Solution Directions', (ICCI (International Conference of Creativity and Innovation) 2018, Sept. 10-12, 2018, Osaka),   (Aug. 2018)  (Nov. 2018).


Human Culture has chosen (or recognized) Liberty and Love as the two Principal Guiding Principles, but there exist intrinsic contradictions, inside each of them and between the two, which have not been resolved throughout the human history.  It should be Ethics that motivates and coordinates both Liberty and Love;  Ethics is the most basic Principal Guiding Principle based on the understanding that every person has the rights to pursue one's own happiness. 
Pursuing for the three goals together, i.e., to extend Liberty, to expand (or universalize) Love, and to deepen Ethics, is Good for individuals and for societies.  Insisting and pursuing for 'Liberty alone / Love alone / Ethics alone' is NO Good.  This is my understanding at the present stage. 
(Toru Nakagawa, New Year Card, Jan. 2019)


Collections of Papers authored by Toshio Takahara (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (2003 - 2019) are introduced here.
It must be very rare that all the papers and notes authored and publicized by an independent researcher have been collected and posted in an public Web site for a long time.  This is such a rare case that all the 54 works by Toshio Takahara have been posted in this site since 2003.

He built up a unique system of basic theories, after examining/redefining various concepts and terms one by one.
He has developed various concepts and methods:  Description of systems, Redefining contradictions, Concepts and methods of resolving differences (i.e., eliminating/reducing the gap between the reality and the ideal), Thinking methods, Way of life as a human, Emerging history of human culture, Contradictions between objectization (or Liberty) and unification (or Love), Solving Unity-type contradictions, Consideration of post-capitalism, etc.
I wish that some of the readers, either present or future, would understand his philosophical system and develop it further.

Papers: 'Collection (1) of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2003-2007): "Theory of Resolving Differences":  Annotated bibliography of 14 papers', (Toshio Takahara),  (Mar. 2008).

Papers: 'Collection (2) of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2008-2012): "Theory of Resolving Differences (2)":  Annotated bibliography of 14 papers', (Toshio Takahara), (Mar. 2013).

Papers: 'Collection (3) of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2013-2015): "Theory of Resolving Differences (3) Dialectic Logic and the Way of Life":  Annotated bibliography of 9 papers', (Toshio Takahara),   (Nov. 2015).

Papers: 'Collection (4) of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2016-2018): "Theory of Resolving Differences (4) Radical Enumerable Thinking and Contradiction Model for the Way of Life', (Toshio Takahara),  (Aug. 2018).

Papers: 'Collection (5) of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2019): "Theory of Resolving Differences (5)Never-Finished Notes on Philosophy: Logic, World View, Way of Life, and Preparing for Post-Capitalism", Annotated bibliography of 8 papers' (Toshio Takahara)  (Aug. 2018).


(l) Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (WTSP Project) (Dec. 2017 - present)

I have proposed the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) and am working with many TRIZ colleags in the world.
It aims at building Catalogs of TRIZ and around-TRIZ Sites in the world, for introduction and easy access to important and useful information resourcs in the field of creative problem solving and innovation in a wider sense. 
Such catalogs and the process of building them will strengthen the cooperative relationships of people in such fields.

Forum: WTSP: 'World TRIZ Sites Project: Its Plan and Invitation: Volunteer Project for Connecting TRIZ Sites in the World',   (Dec. 2017)

WTSP: 'World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP):  Index Page',   (Dec. 2017, kept up-to-date).

WTSP: 'Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan: Japan WTSP Catalogs (for the Japanese, in English)',  (Mar. 2018),  (Apr. 2018).

WTSP: 'WTSP Appeal: An Appeal for Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World', (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov),  (Jun. 2018).

WTSP Paper: 'World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources', (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov, ETRIA TFC 2018),    (Nov. 2018). 

Paper: 'World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (2): To Build World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World', (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov, Japan TRIZ Symposium 2019) ; (ETRIA TFC 2019)   (Oct. 2019). 

WTSP: '(A8) Current Active Version of the World WTSP Catalogs',   (Aug. 2019, kept up-to-date)

WTSP: '(A8) (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)',    (Aug. 2019, kept up-to-date)

WTSP: '(A8) (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)',    (Aug. 2019, kept up-to-date)


Top of this page


a. Itroducing TRIZ

b. Introducing USIT

c. Extending USIT

d. Modern TRIZ

e. Six-Box Scheme

f. Japan TRIZ Society

g. Education

h. Activities of JTS

i. CrePS

j. Various topics

k. Social issues



Japanese page


General Index  (A) Editorial (B) References Links News & activities Software tools (C) Papers, case studies, articles, Lectures, course materials   (D) Forum General Index 
Home Page New Information for children and highschool students for students and the general public for engineers (introduction) for Practitioners CrePS System Documents USIT Manual & Case Studies WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project) Search in this site Home Page

Last updated on Feb. 13, 2020.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp